7:11 |
7:12 |
7:32 |
8:28 |
I woke up and came downstairs just as the sun was rising, once again filling the living room with sunlight. Now at 7:40, its mostly hidden behind a vast cloud bank so all is gray, the sky and lake. Once again it's a chilly morning of 28º with rain forecast for later in the day. The lake is smooth and inviting so I hope to be out there in a half hour. Well, it's 8:53 and I didn't go kayaking. I got ready, my phone, life jacket, coffee and paddle, and went out to the lake. I placed my foam mat on the rocks and slid my kayak partly down the rocks. Unfortunately, I pushed it too far and it floated into the lake. I had to quickly wade into the lake, filling my boots with ice water, to keep it from floating away. Needless to say, I had to abort my paddle, pour the water out of my boots, change my pants and socks, and put on my Ugh boots to keep my feet warm. What a way to start the day.
Yesterday began as it should, with a paddle south to Sandy Bottom and back although the wind picked up on my return, making it choppy and windy. After breakfast and the blog, I drove to yoga at 10:0 and was one of two in the class. I felt bad for our teacher because she is new. I was tempted to stop for coffee but came straight home. By 12:45, I enjoyed lunch and watching my show Black Bird on AppleTV+. I then read something else, napped, and around 3:00, watched some women's basketball before returning to my book. The weather was not appealing, still cloudy and cold, so neither of us felt like going for a walk. It was just one of those days.
We enjoyed a glass or two of wine and listened to the news and various pundits making fun of Trump's Bible, his newfound religion, a 'blasphemous Bible Thumper" as Maureen Dowd puts it. What a joke. For dinner, I was hoping to have corn beef and cabbage. Once I heated it up, it smelled bad for some reason and we ended up throwing it out. Evie fried up some potatoes for me along with eggs and I was happy, as we watched the first episode of We Were The Lucky Ones on Hulu and a HGTV series set on the Lake Of The Ozarks, where my son Tom once owned a condo. Evie went to bed around 9:00 and I ended up watching the end of the Purdue game and the beginning of the Duke and Tennesse games. I have both taped but probably will not watch them today. Today and tomorrow are the two best days for basketball, the Final Eight, two games today and two tomorrow. As I mentioned earlier, Ohio University played in the final eight in 1964 beating Kentucky but losing the next day to Michigan, only a few years ago.
Ice Floes Block Niagara Falls, 3/30/1848 |
Walking On Ice Next To Falls |