Thursday, September 3, 2020

Red Sky In The Early Morning





It's  8:40 and I just returned from an hour paddle, camera in hand, so I was a happy kayaker once again.  The sky early was spectacular but by the time I launched my kayak, it had clouded up and remains so at this hour. 


Poised For Action


An Old Guy

Yesterday was a lost day for Evie because of a restless night, not as much for me.  I did get in a paddle, the blog and breakfast while Evie enjoyed a leisurely morning, thinking of things to do but not doing them.  Around 10:00, I decide to get some exercise so I drove over to the Chautauqua Institution and rode my bike around the grounds a couple of times, getting in just over a half-hour of riding,  It was enough to make me feel like I did something,

It was lunchtime when I returned home and Evie made me a couple of delicious quesadillas, thick with tomatoes and cheese.  I decided to continue with my Japanese series, hoping to get it over with so I  can start something else. Neither of us did much the rest of the afternoon until 4:00 when I drove to Hawthorne Hill where the breakfast club was meeting for beers from the Big Inlet Brewery. There were six of us and we spent a good hour and a half talking about the past few weeks, with or without families, while enjoying a microbrew and munching on pretzels, crackers, and pepperoni.  It was enjoyable, with decent weather, and Jack's garden and cornfield as a backdrop, a good way to spend the afternoon.

Hawthorne Hill

I didn't get home until 6:00 and Evie had dinner ready, chicken in gravy, mashed potatoes, a salad and a couple of ears of corn.  I was hungry so everything tasted good.  We could not wait to get back to our series on Prime Video called The Nest and binge-watched the last three episodes until 9:45. It's riveting, intense at times, worth watching.  

1 comment:

  1. I gotta get one of those signs! Needless to say, it won't go over well in Indiana, and that is exactly why I need one.


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