Pearl Among Swines |
7:13 |
7:54 |
I woke to darkness and by 7:00 the fog not darkness obscured my view. I am starting my blog before kayaking, at 7:15, and am waiting for the fog to lift so I can get out there on the lake. It may be a while. It's 9:20 as I finish this up. I was out kayaking for an hour, the first half hour in the fog so heavy I stuck to the shoreline until the sky opened up and I was able to cross the lake to Long Point and back. It's been a heron morning.
Kayak Morning |
In The Fog |
Into The Sun |
Thursday was like Wednesday and Tuesday, etc. Lots of sun, mild temperatures, a day to enjoy the outdoors. I got in my paddle early morning and returned to putter around the house, basically putting away summer things, bathing suits, shorts, and short-sleeved shirts and getting out the winter stuff, fleeces, long underwear, and flannel shirts. While I was doing this, Evie was going through the pile of clothes from TJ, one pile for keepers, the other for taking back. By 11:00, we were sick of doing things in the house and decided to drive to the Chautauqua Institution for our daily constitutional, an hour walk around the grounds. We were surprised by the busyness. In years past, the place would be empty after Labor Day but not this year as many of the out of towners have elected to stay for the fall. As a result, many homes were occupied, the front gate was busy with a line up of cars entering and people were out walking or biking. I wonder if this is going to be the new normal.
Turning Red |
We were home by 12:30 after stopping at the Lighthouse Grocery for some ground beef. I woke yesterday thinking 'meatloaf', so that's what we had for dinner last night. For lunch, Evie made me another wrap with lavash, spreading hummus on the lavash first, adding a salad, with tomatoes, cucumbers and feta cheese before wrapping it up and cutting it. I loved it. Meanwhile, Evie put together the meatloaf, adding the goodies from our pantry because we ran out of the old standby, Lipton's onion soup mix. After watching my show, I read some and took a brief nap because we were going to Erie at 2:30 for Evie's doctor's appointment at 3:45.

I dropped her off at 3:20, drove to Starbucks for an iced coffee, and decided to go inside because there were at least ten cars waiting for the drive-through. By the time I returned to the doctor's office, Evie was done so we headed to Peach Street to find a TMobile Store. It should have been easy but the address has about five different stores but we finally found it. Unfortunately, Evie still cannot pull up her old information from her old iPhone to the new one although we now know what to do. We just need to get the right password to close off the new phone. I am not very clear but it will be done.
On the way home, I made the mistake of asking Evie if she wanted to stop at Stan's Nursery and of course she said yes. After browsing and talking with the nursery people for a half-hour, we left with sixty bucks worth of goodies, a small false cypress tree, and another fall clematis, a Paniculata, our third or fourth attempt to see if we can keep voles from eating its roots. Rather than spending money on drinking and eating at bars, we spend it on improving Evie's garden.
When we arrived home, we were both hungry and ready for wine time. So I washed up some potatoes and Evie popped them and the meatloaf in the oven and we sat on the front porch with our wine for a good hour until dinner was ready. Evie made a salad and cauliflower, plated the meatloaf and potatoes and we had the kind of dinner we both wanted. Yum. We watched a Colbert then turned to our new series, Borgen, as Denmark has a woman prime minister for the first time and her male colleagues are not very happy with this development. We can see where the series is going as politics take over her life, her personal life will begin to fall apart and she will be forced to compromise, make choices that are political, even hypocritical, rather than moral or ethical. Sad but true if you are a politician it seems.