Thursday, August 1, 2024

Jagged Clouds Hang Over Long Point


Rising Sun At 6:40



It's 6:30 and I have been up since 6:00. For a change, I am sitting on our front porch because it's much cooler than inside. And so far, the sun has been hidden behind the clouds so it's comfortable looking east over Long Point for the moment. It's 6:41 and the sun just popped out above the clouds but its light is modulated somewhat by clouds so it's still bearable to sit on the porch. It's 6:45 so I am going to get ready to kayak before breakfast in Bemus at 8:00. It's 7:35 and I just returned from kayaking for 30 minutes and was able to shoot two different ospreys before returning. It's now 9:25 and I have just returned from breakfast in Bemus at a very busy Lake Life Cafe.

Kayak Morning

Osprey Perched

Amazing Eyes

Yesterday was a busy day for Evie mostly and somewhat for me. It began as usual with a good paddle and by 9:30 I was off to yoga class with Danielle. The class was fine but increasingly I find myself checking to see if the class is almost over. I did not used to do this so I am not happy with myself or yoga. I then drove to Wegman's to pick up a few things for Evie because we are having family over today, Evie's sister Elaine and husband Jim. They are driving in tonight from Chicago. 

Dahlias Are Beginning To Bloom


When I returned home, Evie was busy making appetizers and cleaning the kitchen.She took time out to make me a quesadillas for lunch and I watched Olympic volleyball. I was tired most of the day for some reason, so I napped, read some, and then helped Evie prepare the house for today. We were both able to relax some by 3:00 and by 6:00, were showered and ready to go out to dinner with Linda and Ron.

Pizza Al Fresco

We drove to Jamestown and were lucky to find a spot to park and a table outside on Pace Pizza's new outdoor terrace. It's our favorite pizza restaurant, and eating outside makes it even better. We had a great waitress, and a hairdresser during the day, and she was quick to bring us our beers and take our orders for pizza. We ordered two salads because they were so tasty, especially their dressing. We also always order a large pepperoni and usually take almost half of it home for lunch or dinner the next day. It was pleasant on the porch, the sun falling behind the buildings and not too hot. We were home by 8:30 in time to watch some volleyball and the first episode of Season Four of TRYING. It was a busy day.

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