Friday, August 9, 2024

Morning Drizzle And Gray


It's 7:15 and I have been up for an hour, listening to a Bill Simmons podcast discussing yesterday's Olympic basketball game where the US eked out a win over Serbia.  As I look out, I wonder if the rain will stop long enough for me to get in a paddle. It's 7:30 and the first boat of the morning cruised by. Maybe the rain has stopped. 

Kayak Morning

Overcast Northern Sky

Still Gray

Yakking Heron

Perched Above The Reeds

Thursday was a windy day and it did not die down until early evening. I skipped kayaking and went to breakfast in Bemus Point because of the wind. When I returned, I finished the blog and was in no hurry to do something but finally, around 10:30, I drove over to Long Point and rode my bike for forty-five minutes, over to Warner Bay, then around Long Point. I made the mistake of riding on some of the back trails which were littered with tree roots. If I go too fast, it shakes the bike, too slow and I practically fall over.  Fortunately, I made it without a mishap and vowed to never ride that trail again. After my ride, I picked up some corn for our dinner and then came straight home.

Trails Around Long Point

Tip Of Long Point

Evie had most of the lawn mowed and worked in her garden. It was surprisingly warm out and she was sitting in the shade still sweating from mowing. She did take time out and made me a veggie wrap for lunch and I watched more of the Olympics. I actually napped because I had another bad sleeping night, getting four and a half hours. I am not sure about my iWatch because checking my sleep app often depresses me. If I didn't realize I wasn't getting enough sleep. I wouldn't know and wouldn't have worried about it. Does that make sense? 

Neither of us did much the rest of the afternoon. I did watch the first half of the Serbia/US game then took a time out to enjoy a glass of wine on the porch before dinner. Dinner was tuna salad and fresh corn on the cob, both perfect for a warm afternoon. We watched the US women's volleyball team beat Brazil in five before going up to bed. 

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