Monday, August 19, 2024

Morning Drizzle And Dreary

Our Great Grandson Rhys At 3 Months



It's not an attractive morning, with drizzle, fog, and gray dominating the morning. Nary a boat is out on the lake now, because it's so dreary. I remember driving past lakes near Thessaloniki, Greece and my good friend, Jim Lovett, named them Lake Weary And Dreary. It's 60º out with a 98% humidity. It's 8:20 and because of the drizzle, then rain, I paddled for only 15 minutes, alas. It was only me and a couple of ducks bobbing up and down on the lake

Kayak Morning In The Drizzle

Sunday was a day in full oncc again despite the weather. It started with a good paddle, a photograph of a single osprey, then home to finish the blog and have breakfast. We had little planned during the day so I decided to get in a bike ride and drove over to Bemus and parked my car just north of the bridge on a side street. I rode my usual route, along Lakeside Drive, then through the park and woods to Long Point, then back. I stopped briefly at the park because they were having a craft gathering of local artists. It was well attended, good for Bemus merchants I am sure. I then rode back to my car and drove home. When I returned, Evie had been busy getting something done while I played and both the back porch and kitchen were spiffy. 

Long Point

Art And Craft Show In Bemus Point

I felt like a light lunch so Evie made me another tomato and mayo sandwich on sourdough toast and I was happy, watching my show. At 1:00, however, I had something else in mind since the morning and drove to the Rod And Gun Club where their next-door neighbor was organizing a boat parade for Donald Trump. Patriotic music was blaring from the house as the boats gathered, a few with Trump photos or signs on them but all had American flags. They numbered perhaps 20+ before the parade began as they began their cruise to Bemus Point and back. I had enough and as halfway home, a torrential rainstorm hit and I had to turn on my emergency blinders it was so blinding. When I got home, it had let up but we got a half inch of rain in those 15 minutes. 

Maga True Believers

I was tired from my busy morning and early afternoon and took a nice nap, with windows open and a nice breeze as it began to cool down even though the humidity was high. At 3:30, I was happy to relax and watch Caitlin Clark's Fever defeat Seattle. I enjoy watching her and the team. By 6:15, we were both showered and ready for dinner with Ron and Linda to celebrate their 23rd anniversary. We had reservations at Splash, a fairly new restaurant in Bemus, a renovated gas station. 

A Couple Of Cuties

We decided to sit at the bar rather than a table and ordered beers and a bottle of wine for the girls. The dinner options are quite different from anywhere else around.  For instance, Ron and I ordered small plates of smoked brisket and mashed potatoes, four or five bite-size slices of brisket in a bowl of mashed potatoes

Celebrating Twenty-Three Years Of Marriage

We stayed until 8:15 then returned to our house and had a libation on our porch as the sky darkened. They left around 9:15 and Evie, tired from the day, went up to bed but I stayed up, watched the final episode of Justified, and enjoyed a serving of peach/berry crisp with ice cream to top off my day. 

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