Saturday, August 10, 2024

Partly Clouds And 60º



I woke to a blinding sun and I was thinking I might have to move off my couch but a few minutes later, the clouds came in, darkening the living room. It won't be long before I will be changing seats as the sun moves south. It is just after 9:00 and I was out paddling under a dome of spectacular clouds. What a way to start the weekend. 

Kayak Morning

Above The Reeds

Northern Sky

Ready To Launch

Yesterday was typical in that I got in both kayaking and yoga. I was up early again and kayaked for forty five minutes, scaring off an osprey but photographing the usual heron. I took my time getting ready for yoga, enjoying breakfast, finishing the blog and getting ready. The class was small, just four of us, which is usual for Friday. After class, I was tempted to stop for a coffee but resisted and came straight home. 

Evie had gotten a few things done but needed help sticking to a task. I know the feeling. Lunch was easy and good, the leftover tuna salad from Thursday night's dinner and I watched some of the Olympics. Since I was up so early, I was looking forward to a nap and probably slept for nearly an hour and a half, groggy when I woke. Sometimes naps energize, other times they don't. We were not sure about dinner so I suggested burgers. So I drove off to pick up ground chuck at the Lighthouse Point Grocery and some goodies at Tops before returning home, ready to sit on our front porch and enjoy a glass of wine and another lovely afternoon sky.

Dinner was a nice big fat juicy burger, with pickles, Trader Joe's special sauce, and mac n cheese, compliments of Ohio's Bob Evans. We watched three episodes of TRYING, taking a time out from the Olympics, and are disappointed in Season Four. We ended the night with the Olympics, watching the USA's women's four hundred-meter relay win a gold and, unfortunately, the men once again lose because of a poor handoff. 

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