Thursday, August 8, 2024

Cooled By A Southerly Wind On A Overcast Morning



The title is a bit long-winded but the breeze is cooling the living room, like an air conditioner and the chimes keep ringing. It's 67º, however, not as cool as yesterday's 59º morning. It's 9:25 and I just returned from breakfast at a busy Lake Life Cafe in Bemus Point. It's a windy morning, too windy to get out there and kayak I am afraid. Maybe a bike ride is in the offing. 

Yesterday was a good day for the most part, as I got in a forty-five-minute paddle before 8:30, then had breakfast and finished the blog. I wanted to do something physical so I left for Lakewood with my bike, parked my car outside Ryders Cup, and rode to the Celeron Hotel and back, an easy forty-five-minute ride, just right. I had coffee with Dave, the "mayor" of Lakewood, then drove to Wegman's because we were having friends over for drinks and appetizers and Evie needed a few things.

Celeron LIghthouse

Lunch was corn chowder and a roast beef sandwich and the Olympics. When I  got tired of TV, I got back to my book, a Spenser novel, the first set in Boston, and napped briefly. The rest of the afternoon I either read or watched the US women defeat Nigeria in a fairly tough basketball game. 

Dahlia In The Morning

Our friends arrived at 6:30 and it was warm enough to sit on the front porch. They are from Hudson and I taught or coached all four of the kids, a couple graduating with Beth or Jill. It was good to see them, catch up on their families, and talk with Katie's daughter, Anna, who will soon be a freshman at Reserve. They filled us in on their amazing family decision to buy 37 acres of land in Costa Rica, including a house and building lots. The four kids plan on building over the next few years, making it a vacation destination or rental spot. It sounds cool and the one house is amazing, isolated but lovely with great views. They left around 8:00, returned to the Atheneum and we spent the next hour watching more of the Olympics, getting our fill before bedtime. 

Gretchen, Anna, And Katie

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