Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Clear Skies, Sunny And 49º

Celebrating Our 59th Anniversary



I could not believe the temperature when I woke at 6:40, after all, it's August! Fortunately, despite the chill, the lake is nice and calm, perfect for a morning paddle. It is 9:30 and I had a good paddle, shot a couple of photos of Ospreys until I paddled home and the wind had picked up, making it tough. 

Kayak Morning


Tuesday was another easy day with nothing either of us had to do, nor wanted to do so we kicked back and enjoyed the windy day, the lake with white caps. I skipped paddling of course so I enjoyed a long coffee and blogging morning. By 10:00, however, I was off to Ryders Cup for a coffee, then the bank, and finally did a quick run through Wegmans, goodies for tonight's anniversary dinner, cheese, steaks, and carrot cake. 

I was home by noon and had lunch around 12:30, Evie's soup and a sandwich. And, yep, I am still watching an episode of Justified while I eat although I did glance at some of Monday night's Democratic Convention although to be honest, I am not that interested. I finished my Spencer book and started a couple more but ended up staying with Lawrence Wright's Mr. Texas, about the weirdness of Texas politics, where a rancher turns hero. Sounds accurate. I napped of course, and watched some of the convention with Evie after she made a couple of trays of snickerdoodles. Mid-afternoon, after a nap, I did some work outside, weed whacking, picking up deadfall, then taking deadfall up the hill to the woodpile.

We were going to dinner at our neighbors Jim and Barb's house at 5:30, so we showered and walked over with snickerdoodles and a bottle of wine. It was warm enough to sit on their front porch and enjoy appetizers and conversation with another couple, Tom and Julie. The six of us have gotten together a couple of times over the last year and its been great fun. 

The Guys

Tom and I joined Jim as he barbecued shrimp and chicken skewers, leaving the ladies to girl talk. Dinner was the skewers with two great salads, one great green, the other pasta and for dessert we had Klondike bars.  Of course, we went through more than a couple bottles of red and white wine before we decided it was getting late and walked home at 9:30. What a great night and how lucky we are to have such good friends. 

Woodlawners Dinner On Tuesday

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