Saturday, August 24, 2024

Sunny Saturday




It's 7:30 and I have been up for an hour, watching the orange globe of the sun rise over Long Point, chasing crows off our front yard and upset because the lake flies seemed to have arrived on our windows and screens.  Well, it's late, 9:22 and was paddling for an hour and twenty minutes, north, down to Whitney Bay and back.

Kayak Morning


Bald Eagle Above Whitney Bay

Same Guy

Taking Off

Blue Heron

Yesterday was Friday but seemed like Saturday. That happens a lot when you are retired. I got in a good paddle, saw lots of birds and then came home and finished the blog with Evie's help. Around 10:00, I decided to drive off to Lakewood, stopping at both Home Depot and Wegmans, Home Depot to see if they could find my receipt for the Ryobi lawn mower which is giving us trouble. They can't because I paid in cash so Evie wouldn't know I bought it for her as a birthday present. Typical luck. So I left and went to Wegmans and picked up a few things for our dinner and came home, pissed at my inability to get a receipt.

A Perfect Dahlia

I wasn't hungry so I skipped soup and finished the last half of a chicken salad sub and watched my show. I then tried to nap because I was up so early but had little luck so I suggested to Evie that we take a boat cruise. It was a beautiful afternoon for a boat ride and we took our usual route, along the shorelines of Victoria and Wells Bay to Bemus Point, then along Lakeside Drive to Long Point and home. We were out for a good hour with a few other boaters. When we returned home, we both stayed on the dock and enjoyed the sun for an hour or so, for the first time in quite a while. Now is so different from the old days when we would sunbathe for hours, getting that great tan. 

Mid-afternoon, Evie did some work in the garden until happy hour when we had a good cheese and crackers along with a libation or two. It was another amazing evening lake and sky, with little action even though it was a Friday night. We didn't get to dinner until 7:30 and had leftover pasta and a salad. We watched the usual and were a bit at a loss not having the Democratic Convention to watch. The pundits were talking of course about Boobie Kennedy's endorsement of Trump, betraying the Kennedy legacy of his father and uncle.  Clearly, he had been promised a role in Trump's lineup of stooges if elected. 

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