Monday, August 12, 2024

A Sunday Of Olympics



It's just about 8:00 on this cool, 58º partly cloudy morning. I have yet to see a boat on the lake and all I can hear is the cawing of some crows. It's August, right? It's 9:25 and I paddled for only 25 minutes because of the wind and waves, making it difficult to paddle and take photos of birds. 

Kayak Morning

Northern Blue

Yesterday was a long day because I spent much of it watching or waiting to watch both the women's volleyball and basketball finals. First, however, I went out for a fifty-minute paddle and photographed a couple of ospreys as well as a heron, my usual morning paddle. Evie finished up the blog and I had my breakfast. Then, I went out and did some weeding along our lake wall. Various weeds and loosestrife have grown about around the cement cracks so I pulled and cleaned the wall of all vegetation which tends to eat away the wall. It was an easy job, took only a half hour. By then I was ready to watch the US women's volleyball team play France. Unfortunately, they were run over 3-0 by a talented French team and ended up with a silver medal, to go along with the Men's bronze on Saturday.

Cosmos In Evie's Garden

Around 12:30, Evie made me an egg and avocado sandwich for lunch and I watched some of the other Olympic events saving the Women's basketball game for after my nap. So after lunch, I read and napped briefly before deciding to watch the game. Unfortunately, I had seen the final score so I knew the US had won but only by a point so it was not as much fun watching. The US was clearly the better team but on any given night, they might lose. Well, they lucked out, and France's final shot was a two-pointer, not a three, giving the US a 68-67 victory. Interestingly, France's best player, in fact a couple of their best players play for Fenerbache, my team's bitter rival in Turkey. 

Sunday Dinner

We took it easy then because we were going out for Sunday dinner at Linda and Ron's. By 5:50, we were both showered and ready, Evie in tights and a flannel shirt, me in shorts and a short-sleeved shirt. We had appetizers out on their front porch and went in for dinner just as it became cool.  Linda made a tasty dinner, chicken meatballs with rice, feta cheese, and spinach, reminding me of a Greek-style dinner. We had chocolate mousse for dessert and were happy, mostly because we are beginning to think Trump might be the loser he already is. 

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