Saturday, August 3, 2024

An Overcast And Calm Morning

Crazy Sisters Cruise The Lake


Evie's Garden

It's 7:30 and I am the only one up on a humid 67º morning. There's not much action on the lake which is surprising for a Saturday morning in August. Well, it's a lot later, 9:10 as I finish this. I kayaked on a gray morning for 35 minutes and photographed both cormorants and an osprey. And, as I kayaked, Evie's sister Elaine walked the Woodlawn/Victoria loop and then went for a swim. 

Kayak Morning

Northern Gray


Taking Off

Osprey Above The Victoria Trees

Yesterday was a full day, mostly because Evie's sister and her husband were staying with us until Sunday morning. Unfortunately, the morning was filled with rain so there was no kayaking, just sitting around, talking, enjoying our coffee and planning our day. Evie made omelets for breakfast and by 12:30,the rain had about stopped so Evie and Elaine went for a swim.  

Swimming Sisters

Once they dried off and got dressed,  we drove over to Long Point Marina and walked out to the tip of Long Point and back, just the right amount of exercise.  When we returned home, we had lunch, a bean, tomato, and parmesan soup made by Evie and some meat and cheese and spinach-filled pastries from Adladdins Middle East Bakery in Cleveland, compliments of Evie's sister Elaine. 

Hiking Long Point

After lunch, we either relaxed or went for a walk. Of course, I napped since I got only six hours of sleep. Around 3:00, we motivated ourselves and played a rousing game of bocce won by Elaine and me. By 5:30, the sky had cleared and the sun came out so I took the cover off the boat and we cruised the lake, to beyond the bridge and back, a good choice. We didn't get back until after 7:00 and Evie had most of our dinner ready. I grilled the parboiled chicken outside on the grill, topping it with barbecue sauce. It was so nice that we decided to enjoy our dinner outside. So along with barbecued chicken, we had noodles cooked in chicken broth, ratatouille, and salad, a feast. We stayed outside until it started to cool off and the mosquitoes started to bite. 

Dining Outside With Family From Oak Park, IL

We sat around talking until Evie pulled out her Atlantic City pie, whipped up some cream and the four of us devoured this amazing-tasting pie, a recipe from my sister Ellen and nephew Pat. By 10:00, all four of us were tired and happy to go up to bed. 

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