Sunday, August 18, 2024

Sunday Gray And Overcast

Saturday Evening At 6:50



I woke at 6:45 to what look likes an overcast morning, with perhaps some rain. Now, however, the sky has some blue and there's some occasional sun on a humid, 64º morning. It's 9:10 and although the sun has come out occasionally, at the moment it's all gray skies. I kayaked for forty-five minutes, on a changing sky, and a quiet lake, only a couple of bass boats and skiers. 

Kayak Morning

Sun Over Bemus Bay

Blue Sky North


Saturday was not memorable, especially after our Thursday in Buffalo with our grandson Mitch. I was up early as was Evie and neither of us was in a hurry to start our day. I paddled for over an hour to Tom's Point and we did not get the blog published until almost 10:00. While I was kayaking, Evie had begun watering her garden with water from the lake. Around 10:30, we were both up and ready to get a few things done so the trash was gathered and I was off to the Transfer Station, then stopped at Jeremy's to pick up a dozen ears of corn plus one for seven bucks. We may have then had our first brief shower which seemed to characterize the rest of the day. 

Around 12:30, I had lunch, Evie's homemade soup, and a ham and tomato sandwich. I watched my show, finished my book finally. I guess if you can't wait for your book to end it's not very good.  The afternoon was seemed long for me because I did nothing but read and open and close windows. Rain was predicted on and off all afternoon and would threaten, perhaps rain for five minutes then stop. And it went on like that I assume even during the night although the total rain for the past 24 hours was an eighth of an inch. Evie, like me, wasted the afternoon although it felt good to her just doing nothing,



We had our usual wine time at 5:00 and by 6:30, we enjoyed dinner, more soup, and scrumptious BLT's with thick bacon and beefsteak tomatoes. Yum. We are still struggling to find a series we like and started a new one on AppleTV, Bad Monkey, but had enough after ten minutes. We ended up watching a British series called The Split, recommended by my sister Ellen, and stuck with it. We watched part of it a few months ago. Anyway, we ended the night with a Colbert before going up to bed. 

Daily Dahlia

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