Sunday, August 25, 2024

Morning Haze, Three Ospreys , A Heron And A Bald Eagle



It's after 8:00 as I start this and I have been up since 7:15, wearing my baseball cap to avoid the sun. It's warming up, 60º now and up to 80º later in the day. When I stepped outside to take a morning photo, I was greeted by the hum of lake flies. I got in a fifty-minute paddle and was excited to shoot three different ospreys. After being devasted by DDT back in the 1970s, they, along with eagles are making a comeback to our area. 

Kayak Morning

Woodlawn Osprey

Victoria Osprey

Heron Above The Reeds

Immature Bald Eagle Above Victoria

Yesterday was a typical Saturday except for the sunny and warm weather. I got in a good, long padddle, listened to a podcast on health, the need to get sleep, hike or exercise, and eat well. So when I returned, I was hot to get in some exercise. So I left at 10:00, with my bike on my Outback, and parked in a very busy Mayville parking lot because of the Celtic Festival, with tents and booths and bagpipers. I then rode two sections of the Webbs Trail, down to RT 430 and back. I then rode the Mayville trail, to the Mayville Cemetery and back, through the Celtic crowds to my car. It was a good ride, close to an hour on beautiful trails. 

Webb's Trail

Tunnel Of Green


Mayville's Celtic Festival

I was home by 11:30 and Evie had all the trash ready for me to take to the Transfer Station. I dropped it off, came home, had lunch, a couple of ham and cheese sandwiches and watched my series. I then read, and napped, what else to do after a nap. Evie was enjoying some sun time on the dock, then in the yard decided to prep dinner before we took a boat ride. So by 4:00, we were on a choppy, windy lake, trying to enjoy a beer or vodka lemonade as we headed to the Chautauqua Institute. I think much of the chop was from other boats on a very busy Saturday. Heading home was much more enjoyable, so we could enjoy the cruise. We docked and then I spent a good 25 minutes cleaning lake flires dirt off my boat's seats. I made the mistake of leaving the cover off Friday night. So once I cleaned the seats, I put the cover on and joined Evie on the porch for a glass of wine, tired from my day.

Dinner was wiener schnitzel, baked potatoes, and a salad. It tends to be a winter dinner but we loved it. We watched a couple of HGTV shows, then Caitlin Clark's WNBA game until we decided to go up to bed, around 9:45. It was a day in full.

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