Thursday, August 15, 2024

Morning Fog



I woke just before 7:00 to fog so heavy I could not see beyond the dock. Now at 7:40, it's hazy, the sun is out and I can see across to Long Point and beyond. It's 9:30 and I just returned from breakfast in Bemus in a busy cafe. At 10:00, we are off to see our grandson Mitchell. He has been at a ceramic workshop with other architects from around the United States. Various teams work together on a project and their projects will be presented today. 

Yesterday was a good day despite a sore back. I was up early and got in a half-hour paddle, photographed a couple of ospreys before breakfast, and the blog. Evie had a doctor's appointment in Jamestown at 9:45 did some shopping afterward, and did not get home until noon. I decided to do something different so I drove to Chautauqua Shores, then rode my bike to the Chautauqua Institution gate, got a library pass, went in and sat outside the Amphitheater and listened to a lecture on how various plastics are ruining our environment, lives, as well as the ocean. I soon got bored and decided to ride my bike around the CI and it was a good choice because few people were out walking and it was a beautiful morning for a ride. It takes only 20 minutes or so and then I bought a coffee, sat outside the library and people watched until 11:45 when I rode back to my car and drove home. It was a nice change from either yoga or a bike ride in the woods. 

CI Youth Sailing Club

Thunder Bridge

Evie was home when I returned and offered to make me a couple of ham sandwiches for lunch. Yum. I watched another episode of Justified then returned to my book and briefly napped. The afternoon was one of leisure for both of us after a busy morning and we both spent time out on the dock enjoying the sun and breeze. By 6:00, I had convinced Evie to go out to dinner at a new bar called 2 Gingers on 2nd Street, near Jamestown  Community College. Formerly, it was a grocery store in the 1980s, then the College Inn and most recently Coach's Corner until Covid. Now it's a neat updated but tiny Irish Pub and has been open for just a year. We were a little surprised when we walked because it was empty except for a welcoming bartender. 

A Great Evening With Matt At 2 Gingers Inn

We were the only ones there except for one customer who came in, had a quick beer, and left. So we spent the next hour and a half, with a very talkative bartender and enjoying our dinners, Reubens and potato pancakes with sour cream and applesauce. We ended up talking about our lives and the bartender and found him to be thoughtful and interesting, just the kind of guy we like and why we often enjoy sitting at a bar. He knew Jamestown pretty well and we talked about old bars like Mojo's and bands like Smackdab. He's lived mostly in Jamestown although he lived briefly in California. I assume he's single because hedid not mention a family. Anyway, it was an interesting night and we got home at 8:30. We then watched a Colbert and CNN before bed. It turned out to be another good day. 

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