Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Cloudless And Sunny




It's another quiet morning on the lake, a boat or two, light wind, and 59º. It's 8:45 and I was out for only a half hour but was treated to two different ospreys, high up in a tree, looking no doubt for breakfast. 

Kayak Morning

Fog Rising

Osprey Woodlawn North


Yesterday was an easy day as we did not have much on our bucket list for the day. I got in my usual kayaking although it less than a half hour because of the wind and waves. After breakfast, I decided to get in a bike ride and I knew we were out of peaches so I rode the Riverside Trail into Jamestown but stopped at Petersons Farms first to pick up the peaches. I rode the trail into the city, along the Chadokoin River, then downtown around the Comedy Center. When I rode under the Main Street bridge, I noticed that homeless were ensconced on both sides of the bridge, out of inclement weather. Jamestown, according to the newspaper, has over 300 homeless and is seeking state aid to deal with them. A new brewery has opened on 3rd called Wicked Warrens so I checked it out and was impressed, a bar seating 30 to 40 people and lots of tables downstairs as well as upstairs. I hope they make it. I then stopped for a coffee and sat and relaxed, people-watching for 15 minutes at Crown Street Roasting. I then rode back to my car, behind the Subaru dealer along the Riverside Trail.

Chadokoin Bridge From Mc Crea Point


I didn't get home until 12:45 and was hungry so I sauteed some pita bread and heated up the leftover Indian veggies and ate my lunch watching the last of some of the Olympic events we had recorded. I am going to miss watching various events. I then read some, took a brief nap, and then finished up my book, The Good Detective and started another, Past Crimes by Glen Eric Hamilton. Evie spent a good part of the afternoon relaxing in the side yard and enjoying the fall-like afternoon.

We had our wine time until 6:00 when Evie fried up some potatoes and a nice couple of fat pork chops. Along with corn on the cob, we had a delicious dinner. We started a couple of films but ended up watching the closing of the Olympic games the rest of the evening. It was quite a production and made France proud I would think. They did an amazing job over the past two and a half weeks. We had to laugh at Tom Cruise zip-lining down from the roof of the stadium and taking the Olympic flag out of the stadium on a motorcycle, then onto a plane, which took it to LA where we were serenaded by the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Billy Ellish and Snoop Dog on Venice Beach. What a contrast to France's closing ceremony.

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