Friday, August 23, 2024

Herons, Ospreys, And A Northern Goshawk

6:59 AM



Another fog-rising morning, a brilliant sunrise and 51º, with hardly a boat on the lake at this hour, 7:40. I was up an hour ago, just in time to see the sun rise over Long Point. It's later than usual, 9:45 because I was out for an hour paddling and photographing herons, ospreys, and a goshawk, a great morning.

Kayak Morning


Sandy Bottom

Sandy Bottom Heron

Sandy Bottom Osprey

Victoria Pines, Juvenile Northern Goshawk

Victoria Heron

Victoria Heron

Thursday began with breakfast in Bemus, a good way to start the day. When I got home, we were in no hurry to decide on the day so we lingered over our coffee and wrote the blog. Evie wanted to get in another walk so we decided on driving to Mayville and walking Webb's Trail, an easy down and back, a couple of miles. It was another perfect day for hiking, with temperatures in the low 60s and we love walking the trail, a tunnel of green for the most part. It follows an old train track so there's hardly a rise.

Webb's Trail

Mostly Green

In The Woods

On the way home, we stopped at a very busy Lighthouse Grocery for a chicken salad sub and picked corn from an Amish cart in the parking lot. We were home by 12:30 and I ate my sandwich and had soup while watching my series, Justified. I then read my book, Mr. Texas, falling asleep until woke my next-door neighbor's loud lawn mower. Annoying. So I returned to my book while Evie fired up or turned on her electric mower and cut the lawn until she started having trouble with the mower stopping. We cleaned it, and checked the various parts but could not determine what was wrong. So she fired up the gas mower to finish the lawn. Meanwhile, I called what I thought was Ryobi but was a website to answer your questions about a problem. I had to wait for ten or 15 minutes to talk with a technician who was no help. What a waste of time. 

The Boys

At 4:00, Dick and Jack came over for beers and because it was such a beautiful afternoon, we sat out on the dock. Evie put together a tray of appetizers so we were happy, drinking beers and enjoying corn fritters, dip, and pretzels. We stayed out on the dock until 6:00 when the guys headed home for dinner. Meanwhile, Evie put together a tasty pasta dish with spinach and fresh corn. We had it with a salad and started watching Wednesday's convention speeches, by Tim Walz and Oprah, both were powerful, and I would give them both A's. We then switched to last night and Evie stayed up for Kamala's speech but I had enough, went to bed and will watch it today. 

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