Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Windy And Sunny



It's 7:30 and we are both up, on our devices, enjoying the bright, sunny morning. It's going to be a warm one as it's already 59º and will get up into the 70s. It's 8:50 and I was out for only 35 minutes because once I got out in the middle of the lake, the wind picked up and I had a tough paddle back to our house. 

Kayak Morning

Common Merganser

A Wind Blown Look

Yesterday was a busy day for me, a terrible one for Evie who had a terrible night and felt bad most of the day, not fun. I had my normal day, with a long paddle before breakfast and finishing up the blog. And I decided to return to a routine and went to yoga class with Courtney. After class, I stopped at the ATM for some cash, then went to a car wash as the Sportage needed it. When I got home, Evie was still not feeling good but had made me some chicken salad for my lunch. I enjoyed it on a bagel and watched my show before taking a brief nap because Austin, our multi-talented helper, was coming by at 2:00 to work in Evie's garden, mostly weeding. A few weeks ago, we noticed a wren was making a nest in our garage. Well, the last couple of days, whenever I walked into the garage, five baby wrens would scatter, flying to a window, to a nook, wherever, to get away from me. They are so small and frantic and have yet to leave the garage. 

Carolina Wrens

So while Austin weeded, I edged the brick path, then around a couple of trees, part of the garden and helped Austin weed because the garden was so overgrown. I stopped about 5:15, to have a libation with Evie in our living room but Austin kept at it until 6:00. He's a hard, quick worker and worth the price. Dinner was leftover turkey meatloaf, fried potatoes, roasted cauliflower and a salad, just right. We are still struggling to find something we like on TV and decided to try A Life In Full on Netflix. It's derivative, and overdone with unnecessary and extremely offensive language. We were happy to get back to a rerun of Hometown before Evie went up to bed. I then watched some of the NBA game but also went up to bed early, not the best of days for Evie. 

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