Wednesday, May 22, 2024

A Fun Night With Friends



It's another exceptionally striking morning, brilliant sun, a light breeze and 65º. What more could I ask for? It's now 8:30 and I paddled for forty-five minutes for the first time since last year. I wore shorts, a tee shirt and used sunscreen. And unfortunately, no wildlife today. I have four or five spots where great blue herons tend to hang out but not so far this year and I am not sure why. 

Kayak Morning

Kicking Back

Yesterday was back to normal in many ways. It started with a good paddle for forty-five minutes and a shot of an osprey along Sandy Bottom. After breakfast, we finished the blog with Evie who was up early as well because it was her day to visit the kindergarten class. Getting up early on Tuesday and Thursday for class reminds her of those working days when she was up every morning around 6:00. Yoga class was different because my back bothered me on and off which doesn't usually happen. It was six regulars, all gals, and me as usual. Where did the guys go? After class, I did not linger and came straight home because I was tired out, probably from getting only six hours of sleep.

Evie was not home, out enjoying her kindergarteners, so I was on my own for lunch. I decided on fried baloney sandwiches, with a pickle and mayo and I watched another episode of my series, Prey on Hulu. I was still really tired and didn't want to do anything but lie down, read, and hopefully nap. And that's what I did the rest of the afternoon. Evie was home by 2:30 and she, too, was whooped from her kids and spent most of the afternoon on the porch. 

A Night Out With Nina

We did rally, however, by 6:00, having showered and were on our way the Jamestown for dinner at Brazil Craft Beer & Wine Lounge. We met Linda and Ron, there, along with their niece, Nina, in town from Barcelona, Spain. We had fun talking with Nina about her experiences, living and working in Barcelona for the past 17 years. We shared a couple of appetizers, numerous craft beers, and veggie dinners, all tasty and filling. We were able to sit inside at the bar, our favorite place, and had it mostly to ourselves. We headed home around 8:30, watching some TV, and ended the night watching a quarter of the Celtics/Pacers game before bed. It ended up being a good day. 

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