Saturday, May 18, 2024

Brilliant Sunshine And Now Fog



Well, the beauty of a sunrise has slowly disappeared as the fog has moved in. I can hardly see beyond the dock on a 59º morning. Here I thought I would need sunglasses and sun tan lotion for my paddle. It's 7:50 and my paddle in the sunshine has become a paddle in fog if I dare to get out there as now I cannot see beyond the dock. Well, I just noticed Tina and Jim are out kayaking and the fog literally just lifted and I can see Long Point. It's 8:40 and I kayaked for 15 minutes and that was enough because of the fog and chop which made it difficult to take a clear photo. 

Yesterday was a wasted day for me. I was able to get in a good paddle, fortunately, and after breakfast and the blog, Evie and I worked outside, cutting and raking the high grass where we stored our dock and Evie mowed the lawn. By 11:00, we were done and Evie gave me a much-needed haircut and I took a quick shower. I was getting my annual CT scan of my aorta in Cleveland Clinics Ashtabula Hospital. I had to wait a good half hour before they called me and then the fun began. After much probing, the technician finally got an IV in my arm but it wasn't working correctly so she pulled it out, went to my other arm but couldn't find a vein. She left and brought another nurse who easily found a vein and put in the IV. The technician then attached leads to my chest but couldn't get them to work, changing them three or four times before calling another technician to help her. I then waited forever to get the CT scan, from the same technician, and finally, I was done. I am expecting to get a call that I need to have it done again next week. The only happy part of my hour-and-a-half ride was stopping for a whopper meal at the Ohio border and devouring it on the way home because I had not eaten since 9:30. And because I am not allowed to get a whopper without bringing Evie one home, I bought her two junior whoppers which she enjoyed for a late afternoon snack. 

So by wine time, we were both still full from our whoppers and really didn't want dinner although Evie had made a chicken casserole for dinner. We put it in the refrigerator for another night and watched some TV, finally settling on a new film called The Last Stop In Yuma County on Prime. It was decent, kept us interested despite the violence. When Evie went up to bed, I watched the third quarter of the Pacers win over the Knicks, necessitating game seven. 

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