Friday, May 24, 2024

Sunny, Cool, And Boat Docked



For once I slept in until 7:30 and just as I was getting up, the phone rang and my boat guy asked if I would be home because he was bringing my boat to my dock and needed a ride back to the launch. So I met him at our dock in 15 minutes, tied up the boat, and drove him back to the Prendergast Point launch and that was it for me before 8:40. It's 9:45 and I am finishing up the blog after a half hour paddle, on a beautiful lake morning. 

Kayak Morning

Yesterday was a school day for Evie and yoga for me. I did get in a half hour of paddling before driving off to Bemus Point for breakfast at 8:00. My routines do not change much. I was home just after 9:00, finished the blog and was off to yoga by 9:40, class with the ladies at 10:00. After class, Evie needed a prescription from Wegmans. As a result, I didn't get home until after 12:00. For lunch, I heated up the leftovers from Tuesday's dinner, Korean fries, topped them with a couple of eggs, and had a delicious lunch. I finished the first season of Prey and started the second season. After lunch, I read and napped as usual, not planning on getting anything done. Evie arrived home at 2:30, having made a couple of stops and regaled me with stories of her kindergarteners. 

Lake Life

We were going to neighbors for heavy appetizers at 5:00, so we hustled to get ready and walked over just at 5:00. It was a beautiful night to sit at our side and Pat had the table set with all kinds of appetizers. We sat and got caught up on their life in their new home in South Carolina.

A Great Night With Darren, David, Pat, and Ollie The Westie

It was a fun night and we left full of sandwiches, various cheese and crackers, and a delicious ice cream ball for dessert, a perfect evening. We watched the finals of Jeopardy and an upstart from Pittsburgh defeated James, the former champion in a great match. It's been fun watching the series over the past couple of weeks. I ended the night with, of course, a quarter of basketball before bed. 

8:25 In The Evening

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