Monday, May 20, 2024

Getting Warmer



The morning began with a striking sunrise but now, it's hazy and 59º. It looks like a warm week, with little if any precipitation with highs all week in the 80s, not our kind of weather.  Well, it's just about 9:00 and I paddled for forty-five minutes, then got in my row boat and set the buoys out in front of our dock, all this done before 8:30, a superman! That's what happens when you get up at 6:00 and are tired out by 9:00. 

Kayak Morning

Northern Sky

Bemus Bay

Sunday began with a decent paddle although I was surprised at the lack of wildlife, no ducks, geese, eagles, or osprey, just martins. We were both anxious to get busy in the yard, as we always have things to do, however, we also lacked energy, motivation, whatever. So we forced ourselves to get out there. Evie was working planting the perrenials she bought as well as weeding some which seems to never end. I worked on setting up the buoys that we set out from our dock, to discourage boaters from cutting in front of our swimming area. It's something I do every year and in October, I pull them in for the winter. So that was basically our morning drill as the day got warmer and it seemed like summer.

Lunch was easy, the leftover quesadillas from Saturday night's dinner. And I finally finished my book by Tana French, Broken Harbor. It was a tough book to stick with, as her writing is dense and often complicated, more so than say a Jack Reacher. I may start another by her, The Hunter, or take a week or two off and start something else. I also tried to nap both because I had the windows open, I was kept awake by the noise from neighbors, jet skis, and boats, racing up and down the lake, just like summertime. By 3:30, I was back out in the garden, helping Evie, by spreading our good topsoil over the entire garden. We were out until 5:30 when I finally went in and took a much-needed shower.

We were looking forward to happy hour, with a slice of good cheese, drinks, and a lovely evening on the lake. The weather cooperated as the boat traffic lessened, the lake quieted down, and the sun emphasized the greening of Long Point. Dinner was a casserole Evie put together, with chicken and broccoli and it was delish. We watched our usual shows on a Sunday night like Hometown but both of us went to bed early, tired from our busy day. 

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