Saturday, May 25, 2024

Hazy And Lazy



Lots of sun so far at 8:15 and some wind, as the flag keeps flying. It's 64º and we may have some rain later in the day but not much. I assume our neighborhood will get crowded because of Memorial Day for the first time since Labor Day, 2023. It was an uneventful paddle this morning, 35 minutes on a choppy lake with no sighting of herons, eagles, or osprey. 

Kayak Morning

Yesterday began with a phone call just as I was waking from my Chris, asking if I would be there when he dropped off my boat and could take him back to his truck. So 15 minutes later, we were tying up and boat and I was driving him to Prendergast Point. I then decided to get in a paddle even though it was later than usual, was out for 35 minutes came in made breakfast, and finished up the blog. It was a busy morning but by 10:30, I was ready for some leisure. At 11:00, I went back out to the dock and spent a good half hour to forty-five minutes, cleaning the inside of our boat, vacuuming, and washing down the seats. Around 12:30, our good friends from Hudson, Barb and Mike stopped by after visiting Barb's Dad's grave in Jamestown and leaving flowers. They usually spend four months plus in a cabin outside of Jackson Hole each winter. And they were agonizing over whether to buy a great house and property overlooking the Tetons and Snake River, near their cabin. It would totally upend their life, moving them full-time to Jackson Hole, Wyoming, so they punted as far as I know. A good but sad decision. They left at 1:00 for lunch at She Sings with Barb's cousin, Ethel. And Evie left at 1:00 for a doctor's appointment in Jamestown so lunch was on my own, a couple of avocado and tomato sandwiches, and my show, Prey.

Evie was home by 2:30, ready to relax and I had my usual afternoon, reading and napping. It was an easy afternoon but by 4:30, I was on my way to a friend's house on 394 for beers. The four of us sat outside and enjoyed getting together, all four of us, for the first time since last fall. We had lots to catch up on. I was home by 6:00 and had a glass of wine with Evie as we sat and watched the action on the lake. Dinner was the leftover Japanese meatballs and Evie made more sauce. With rice, corn on the cob, and salad, we had a nice dinner. We watched a film called The Mechanical Man, about two seemingly losers who find each other. We hoped it would be better than it was. We ended the night with HGTV, Jeopardy, and then some basketball. 

Dick's Amish Barn Sign, Ready To Be Hung

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