Tuesday, May 21, 2024

"Don't Let The Old Man In"



I just came across this quotation from 94-year-old Clint Eastwood and liked it enough to make it the heading for today. Forget the tiredness, the aching bones, the lack of sleep, the desire to just lie down: just get out there and do something, anything, walking, hiking, gardening, mowing the lawn, yoga, working out. Enough. 

Osprey This Morning

It's 7:24 and the blazing sun of an hour ago has been diminished by a light cloud cover, like yesterday. It's still warm, 61º and will get up to the 80s. Yesterday afternoon it was 85º, unusual for this time of year. I was able to paddle for just a half hour but was rewarded with a shot of an osprey, sitting on a tree limb along Sandy Bottom

Kayak Morning

Paddling North

Monday was a busy morning for me, and an afternoon for Evie. By 9:00, I had kayaked, taken my row boat out and placed seven buoys in the lake, then came in and spread grass seed on the bare spot where we keep our dock over the winter. Evie didn't get up until 9:30, after I had breakfast, and wrote the blog. By 10:00, I was on my way to Ryders Cup for coffee, then a quick run through Aldi's for the makings of a recipe Evie found in The Week magazine, Japanese meatballs with sauce. I also filled two five-gallon cans with gas for my boat which Chris should be bringing by in the next few days. I was home by 11:30, ready to relax for a bit. 

Lunch was the leftover casserole from the previous night and I started a new series called Prey on PBS which seems pretty good. I started a new book by Tana French, The Hunter, a sequel to The Searcher, then napped and took it easy. Evie, meanwhile drove to Mike's Nursery to pick a couple of bags of potting soil, She came home and worked some in her garden but spent much of the afternoon replanting her dahlias which got too wet from the rain showers a couple of days ago. Once that was done, she wanted to cut the lawn despite the 85º weather and started it around 4:00 but I could see she needed help so we traded off the mowing and got the front yard done by Happy Hour, a much-needed one. Around 6:00, we both worked on dinner, the Japanese meatballs with a sauce, served over rice. It was easy and quick so by 6:40, we were enjoying dinner and watching a film on Netflix, A Simple Favor, decent but not great. We then watched Caitlin Clark play for a quarter before going up to bed. 

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