Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Fogged In, Again

A Great Blue Heron, Finally



It's 7:00 and I have been up for close to an hour, chasing geese off our lawn as the fog seems to be slowly receding, at least I can just about see Long Point. It's a chilly 53ยบ and will stay in the 50's, and low 60s the rest of the day. It's 7:30, clearing up so it's time to go kayaking. It's 8:45 and I was out kayaking for an hour, spotted two great blue herons but only was able to take a photo of one. It was, however, a great morning on the lake, not a ripple, as  the sun slowly burned away the fog and clouds. 

Kayak Morning

Northern Sky

Goose And Her Goslings

Ready To Take Off

Yesterday was a different sort of day of day because I didn't get out for a paddle until 10:00 because of the fog and rain early on. I decided early on to skip yoga and get a few things done around the house since Evie was going to be at kindergarten class. I worked on a clogged-up drain, pouring some drain cleaner down it, hoping it worked. And I took some deadwood up the hill and cleared out and organized our garage. It needed it. 

Around 11:30, I drove to Lakewood for my first appointment with a chiropractor/massage therapist, hoping to alleviate my back pain. My first appointment was more an evaluation although my therapist also worked on a few areas that seemed to be tight. I guess I am out of alignment, one leg shorter than the other, one shoulder higher than the other. Hopefully, after a few sessions, I can find some relief from my back pain although it seems to be mostly a result of arthritis. I go back in a week for a session. Overall, it was an interesting and informative hour-and-a-half session and I liked my chiropractor. 

First Visit With Debra

When I returned home, all I wanted to do was lie on the couch and finish my book, The Hunter, by Tana French which is what I did. Evie got home around 3:00, having shopped at Wegmans' after her class. She is starting to get organized for the arrival of our family in July, buying lots of necessities for the week, like paper plates, paper cups, and food items she knows we will need. Once everything was put away, both of us relaxed until dinner time. We enjoyed a brief happy hour after Evie's' Zoom call with her sisters at  5:00 and then had dinner, the leftovers from our Memorial Day picnic, burgers, dogs, potato salad, and baked beans, thanks to Linda. We watched two episodes of a new series on Hulu, The Veil, starring Elisabeth Moss, from Mad Men. We then watched an old Hometown, and the news, about the terrible storms in Dallas where our daughter Beth lives. They have moved to a hotel because they have no power like much of Dallas. We also watched Caitlin Clark play for a few minutes and after Evie went to bed, I watched a quarter of the Dallas/Minnesota game. 

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