Friday, May 17, 2024

Overcast With Light Winds



Looking at the forecast, it's beginning to warm up, maybe getting into the 80s next week, alas. Let's keep a high in the 70s, please. It's 59ยบ as I start this at 7:37 and I have been up for over an hour. It's almost 9:00 and we are both up, enjoying the morning. I paddled for forty minutes, across to Long Point, back to Sandy Bottom and home in some chop and wind but it was not too bad. 

Kayak Morning

Sun Hiding Behind Clouds


Yesterday was a strange day for a couple of reasons. I did get in a brief paddle before driving off to Bemus for breakfast. When I returned home, I was going to go to yoga but then realized our dock guys were putting in a dock next door and would be putting ours in when they finished with our neighbors. So I decided to skip yoga because I wanted to be home when they put in our dock. Well, it took them close to three hours to put in the neighbors' dock so I knew I had quite a bit of time before they were ready to put in ours. So I drove off to Lakewood, had coffee with Paul and Bob, and then drove to Aldis to pick up a few essentials. I was home by 11:30 and the guys didn't get to our dock until 1:15. Meanwhile, Evie was off to spend four hours with her kindergarten class, a disaster because one of the little girls vomited, another wet her pants and Evie helped both clean up. At least she came home with a couple of love notes from the kids. 

For lunch, I made avocado and tomato sandwiches to go with a bowl of black bean soup. After lunch, I helped supervise the putting in of the dock, making sure it was straight and sturdy. It took the guys close to two hours. Evie was home to watch them put it in and was exhausted from her morning so she relaxed in the TV room. I volunteered to get a pizza for dinner since she was tired and had to leave at 5:00 to take our neighbor to an appointment with our Town Court, not fun. So I drove over to Bemus to get our pizza while she was in court. Once she returned home, we sat on our front porch with a glass of wine, thankful for such a fine evening on the lake. Pizza was a good choice and with a salad we were happy. We watched a series on Prime called Appropriate Adult. In it, Dominic West played a serial killer and Emily Watson was the appropriate adult. It was decent enough that we watched a couple of episodes before Evie went up to bed early. I then watched the first half of the Nuggets/Timberwolves game in which the Nuggets were ultimately destroyed by 40 points, a playoff record.

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