Monday, May 13, 2024

Darkening Skies




I woke at 6:35 to the sun shining, and its reflection on the lake but now, an hour later, the sky is overcast and drizzle is predicted, probably while I kayak. It's 9:20 as I finish this up after a good, forty-five minute paddle, a brief  downpour, and great photos of a loon

Kayak Morning

Northern Sky

A Solitary Loon Cruising

Here's Looking At Ya


Sunday was a lazy day for both of us even though we hoped to finish some things. I wanted to paddle but the wind and choppy lake made it too difficult so I was out for maybe 15 minutes. So I was home by 9:00, just as Evie was getting up. We sat around with our coffee and listened to CNN for most of the morning. We then got busy the attic as I finally put away the cross-country skies, poles, and shoes and organized the attic, at least tried to. Evie then went out to the garage and continued planting her dahlias, determined to get it finished by the end of the day.

Meanwhile, I decided to make black bean soup, pressure cooking the beans and sauteeing the onions, garlic, and spices, before adding tomatoes and the beans. It took me about forty-five minutes to get the soup simmering. I then made my breakfast, scrambled eggs, and a bagel, and watched my show. The rest of the afternoon was wasted at least as far as getting something done. I read, napped, and watched some TV and Evie did the same except she did finish up with her dahlias in between phone calls from our kids and I helped clean up the garage.

Back To Sunday Dinners With Linda And Ron

By 5:15, we were both showering and getting ready to drive to Linda and Ron's for dinner, a nice way to end our Sunday. Linda had made some great appetizers, to go with a nice bottle of white wine. They had spent a week in the Hudson Valley so it was fun to hear about their travels and stay in Rhinebeck. After appetizers, we had a delicious Pork Wellington for dinner, along with a salad and sweet potatoes. Yum, ending the night with good cheese, honey, and jam on crackers. It was a good night and fun to be back together on a Sunday. We were home by 9:30 and Evie went straight up to bed and I watched the fourth quarter of the Nuggets win over the Timberwolves, evening the series at 2-2.

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