Thursday, May 2, 2024

Early Rising




It's 6:10 when I start this and the sun has yet to rise. I am up so early because I am having an endoscopy in Jamestown and I have to be there by 7:30. I have had one before so I know what to expect, with no prep.

Yesterday was a beautiful, warm day, and it felt like spring for the first time, probably because the temperature rose up into the mid-70s. I got in a long paddle, over an hour which was a great way to start the day. Evie wanted to get things done in the garden, so after breakfast and the blog, we decided to get out there and get busy. So that's how we spent the morning, Evie weeding and turning the soil while I dug up the dahlia beds, turned the soil, then raked it fine so that it would be ready for the dahlias in another three or four weeks. It's not hard work but the kind that bothers my back, the bending over as I work. So I took occasional breaks, which seemed to help. I also mounted my four purple Martin gourds so they are ready to be hung once I get out in the water, pound a pole in the lake and hang them.  

We took time out for lunch, and Evie made me a couple of turkey sandwiches with tomatoes, and I started a new series from PBS called Ridley. It's not bad so I will stick with it for a couple of episodes. I then took a brief nap and read some and Evie relaxed as well. We went back out around 2:30, did some weeding but were tired out from the morning so we quit by 3:30.

The Viking Crew

We showered around 5:00 and by 6:00, we walked over to our neighbors for a ride to the Viking Club for dinner. It's become a weekly event for the neighborhood because there were nine of us enjoying our beers, food, and watching the sunset. No one won the drawing so I assume we will be back next week to try our luck. Because it was a busy night, we had to wait over an hour for our food so we didn't leave until after 9:00 as it was getting dark. It was a fun way to end a very busy day, with good friends. Evie went up to bed but I watched a few minutes of basketball before joining her. 

At The Viking Club


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