Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Mostly Sunny And Warm



I woke to lots of sun in our living room and to a 55º morning. One lonely fisherman was out a 6:30 but other than that, the lake was quiet and empty. A slight wind from the south means a decent morning to kayak. It's 8:45 and I paddled for forty-five minutes, a beautiful, quiet, and calm morning on the lake.

Kayak Morning


A Hungry Osprey

Monday is always a different kind of day because I don't have yoga, in other words the day is open. So I took a leisurely paddle, got rained on for about one minute, and then came home and wrote the blog and had breakfast. Evie didn't get up until late as she slept in, lucky gal. By 9:45, I was on my way to do some shopping at Wegmans but stopped in at Ryders Cup and had coffee with my friend, Paul, who recently remarried. He wanted to see a photo of the loon on my blog but we discovered we never published it so I wrote Evie and she published it at about 10:30. I  then did a quick run through Wegmans, busy for a Monday and was on my way home by 11:30. 

Spring At Chautauqua Lake

When I got home, we both decided to make it a 'work in the yard day.' So before lunch, I pulled weeds and edged around our two fairly new trees in our side yard, making sure they were healthy and devoid of weeds. For lunch, I had the black bean soup which I made on Sunday and Evie made me a quesadilla with cheese, tomatoes, and avocados and I watched another episode of PBS's Ridley. I then read some, tried to nap but by 2:00 I was ready to join Evie. We edged and weeded much of the afternoon filling three garbage pails with weeds and grass. By 5:30, the garden and yard looked tidy and I had taken the pails up the hill to the woodpile. It was a satisfying afternoon so we deserved to sit on our front porch with a glass of wine. Our next-door neighbor, John, opened his house for the summer and joined us for a half hour, so it was good to talk with him after a long winter hiatus. 

Dinner was quick, easy, and delicious, a new cole slaw recipe Evie found and a couple of Greek turkey burgers with feta cheese from Wegmans, recommended by my sister, Ellen. We watched Home Town, about 20 minutes of a series on Hulu called Under The Bridge, but realized neither one of us was enjoying it so we quit it and went back to the boring bad news: that Trump seems to have the election wrapped up. How depressing. After Evie went up to bed, I watched a few minutes of the NBA playoffs before joining her. 

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