7:02 |
7:08 |
8:10 |
It's 7:48 as I start this and I have been in no hurry to get out on the lake, just enjoying sitting here with my coffee and rambling through the NYTimes and Washington Post book reviews. It's later than usual as we finish the blog, mostly because I didn't get out until after 8:00 and paddle for 80 minutes, over to the Marina, across to Tom's Point and home.
Kayak Morning |
Looking South, At Bridge |
North |
Same Old Heron, Same Old Tree |
Owl or Hawk? |
Yesterday was another beautiful day on the lake. How we wish every day was like this, sunny and pleasantly cool or warm depending on your likes. I didn't get out on the lake until after 9:00 because of the heavy fog but still got in an hour's paddle. We then got a few things done in the house before I gathered the trash and drove off to the Transfer Station, then Wegmans, to pick up prescriptions and a few other things for the week. For once, Wegmans did not seem that busy despite it being a weekend. Lakewood was busy because they were having a gathering at the park, with various games going on, at least four or five cornhole games on the tennis court. I was home by 12:30, later than usual and had the rest of my chicken salad sandwich for lunch, no soup. While I was gone, Evie had worked some in her garden, then went for a paddle, as the lake was calm and inviting.
Once again, we relaxed in the yard, reading or napping, then talking with our new neighbors and friends for about an hour which was nice. They are really fun. By 4:00, we were ready to go for a boat ride again and cruised over to Bemus to avoid the northerly wind as Long Point tends to block the wind. Evie was in heaven with the blue skies and just slow cruising along the shoreline.
We then relaxed with a glass of wine before Evie made dinner, a couple of breaded pork chops, fried potatoes, and sweet corn. We finished the series on Netflix from Germany called Dear Child and liked it less and less as it went along. We ended the night with a couple of cheesy ER's then went to bed, the end of another fine Chautauqua day.
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