Happy Birthday, Evie And Tommy...Then |
And Now |
7:21 |
It's 7:13 and I have been up since 6:20, enjoying the morning sky. I love it when there are vast mountains of cloud as well as open sky as the sun struggles to shine. The morning is quiet except for an occasional squawk of a heron flying by the dock. Well, it's 7:20 and the sun just popped out from behind the clouds blinding me so I have to move. It is 8:45 and I was out for forty minutes and, as usual, just as I pulled out my camera to shoot an eagle, he flew away.
Kayak Morning |
Northern Sky |
Heron On A Martin House |
Sun Bathing |
Monday is always a difficult day for me because there is no yoga so I have the entire day to fill or not fill. I enjoyed a long paddle to start the day, then finished the blog and had breakfast. Evie was happy to let me take off to Lakewood for coffee and then stop at Jamestown Awning to talk about getting a portable car port for the winter. I had a good talk with them and they will stop by sometime in the next week or two to look at our parking area and give me a quote. It sounds like it may be expensive as well as difficult to set up so I am not too excited about it. I stopped at our local grocery store, Brigiottas, always fun to visit and left with a half of pound of German baloney.
Guess what I had for lunch...fried baloney sandwiches with pickles on it as I watched my show. And that was it for early afternoon as I tried to nap but mostly read my new book, Tom Lake, a bit confusing at first but now I think I got it. Around 3:00, Evie started mowing the yard, stopping occasionally to rest. I decided to get in some exercise and took my bike to the Chautauqua Institution because it's close and an easy ride. I was out for forty-five minutes, touring the grounds on a fine afternoon,
Brick Walk To Thunder Bridge |
Reminds Me Of A Monet Set In France |
When I returned home, Evie was finished mowing so neither of us could wait to relax on our front porch with a glass of wine. Again, what a great way to spend happy hour, the sun occasionally lighting up the opposite shoreline. Dinner was shrimp and the leftover vodka pasta and a salad, an easy and tasty dinner. We watched a mediocre film from Chile called The Substitute, then the first half of the Browns game before bed. It was a bore especially since they lost their best player, Nick Chubb, to a season-ending injury.
Late Afternoon Sun Lighting Up Long Point |
View From Our Porch |
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