7:38 |
8:55 |
It's just 60º at the moment and only going to get cooler into the 50s during the day, almost like a fall morning. Unfortunately, at least to us, it will warm up next week, maybe getting up to 90º just as school starts. It's just after 9:00 and I was out for only 25 minutes because of the strong northerly wind and choppy lake.
Kayak Morning |
North |
The Sky |
Great Blue On Neighbor's Dock |
Tuesday began with a nice paddle, a shot of a couple of birds, then a drive to Lakewood to yoga with Julie, a good friend and great yoga teacher. After class, I stopped at both Walmart and Home Depot, looking for a roll of sand but neither had any, or at least the kind I wanted. Then, I drove to Jamestown, to La Cucina Della Nona, to pick up a jacket Evie left on Friday when we had dinner. And since it was across the street from Farm Fresh Foods, purveyors of great donuts, I brought home four assorted to Evie's delight and mine.
When I got home, Evie was off shopping so I relaxed for a bit and got a phone call from our good college friends, Joe and Lou. They had read the blog and suggested a method for getting rid of weeds on a brick walkway(a mixture of white vinegar, salt, and Dawn). I am going to try it and it was great to talk to both of them, home recently from a couple of weeks' vacation with family on the beach. Around 12:30, I made a simple lunch, ramen, and crackers with peanut butter, and watched my show, Jack Ryan on Prime. Evie returned around 1:00 with several bags of groceries so I helped unload the car and put things away before getting back to my book and trying to nap.
The rest of the afternoon went too quickly, as we both took it easy, reading either outside on a beautiful afternoon or on the porch. By 4:00, I was bored and did some weed wacking, then trimming of our privets. While trimming, a couple from the cottages stopped to talk. They have been coming to the lake for years and John, like me, likes to kayak, his wife, the novelist David Silva, one of my favorites. They are from the Beaver Falls area and often read the blog. In fact, they were nice enough to send us a great photo of our dock they took a couple of years ago.
As our routine, we enjoyed a glass of wine on the porch after Evie's Zoom call with her sisters at 5:00. Dinner was something I have been wanting. Our neighbors, Jeff and Nancy, gave us a bunch of tomatoes from their garden and ever since, I have been wanting tomato sandwiches on sourdough bread. Well, last night that's what we had along with a couple of ears of freshly picked corn, Yum. We started a film we thought we might like but stopped after 20 minutes and returned to what else, ER. It's getting so bad that last night I dreamed about ER characters. Crazy.