Saturday, March 18, 2023

More Gray, Wind, And Cold




I woke up this morning to a Keurig coffee pot that would not work. I forget how much the morning depends on a working coffee machine. I went upstairs and pulled down another one sitting in our closet and it doesn't work either. So I jumped in my car, drove to Hogan's Hut, bought a large coffee for 2.50 and now I am home, happily enjoying a cup of coffee. The lake is gray but looks like I can kayak despite some gusts of wind so I will give it a try. I just looked outside and it's either raining or sleeting. Well, I did get out there for a half hour, and it was great, a few snowflakes, a light wind, and some blue skies and even sunshine. 

Kayak Morning

Paddling South

Mouth Of Woodlawn Creek

Yesterday was a long Friday with nothing I had to do, no yoga, hiking, or kayaking. I forget how much I depend on some physical activity to fill my day. I guess I could have done Yoga With Adrienne on Youtube but was not in the mood and outside, it was ugly, wet, and cold. So we both had an extended coffee hour and didn't get the blog up until late. Our mini refrigerator went on the fritz so we had to haul it out of the pantry, onto the porch, and then vacuum the area. We ordered a new one from Walmart on Wednesday and it was at our door Friday at about noon. 

We let it sit on our porch while Evie made me a great lunch, leftover pork chop and potato pancakes. After lunch, we decided to wait to deal with the refrigerator until after my nap which was fine with me. I was tired of watching basketball and was happy to read and nap. By 2:30, however, we dragged the refrigerator in, pulled it out of its box and carried it into the pantry. I was surprised at how light it was compared to our old one. That's either a good sign or a bad one and time will tell. We plugged it in, it started to hum and we now have another mini fridge. Evie's happy. 

First Heron, Afternoon Of 2023

We were both excited about our corn beef and cabbage dinner. We read that it was easy to do it in an Istanpot so we decided to try it. It takes an hour and a half, then let it sit for 20 minutes, pull it out, put in the veggies, and let them cook for only three minutes. Easy, right. It was except for one thing. The dinner was terrible. The meat was tough and tasteless and the veggies were underdone and also tasteless. I was so pissed that I threw the leftovers away and we both calmed down with cherry pie and ice cream. What a disaster. Thank goodness I have yoga. I just 'let it go,' We watched the last episode of The Last of Us and an increasingly boring and sentimental Dear Edward. We really don't like many of the adults as they seem to be acting, not genuine. Oh, yea, we watched some basketball as well but missed the upset of Purdue. Sorry, Kianna and all the Langes. 

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