Saturday, June 1, 2024





Woke up to fog at 7:00 and slowly the wind has taken it away so that now, most of the lake is visible on a 53º morning. It's 8:00 and I better think about getting out on the lake although it's a bit windy. It's 9:30 and I paddled for 35 minutes on a fall-like morning, with a light breeze, cool temperatures, bright sun and hardly a boat on the lake

Kayak Morning

Hawk Perched On Tip Of Long Point

Yesterday was a blah day for me as I woke up tired and stayed that way most of the day although I did get some things done. I went for in a decent paddle, just later than usual, and shot both a heron and a hawk. After finishing the blog and breakfast, I needed a few things from Home Depot and thought of stopping for coffee but resisted the urge. When I returned, Evie was potting her zinnias which were grown from seed, and herbs, parsley, and rosemary. I didn't do much, just read some and relaxed before having lunch, the leftover sub from Hogan's Hut. 

Actually, I couldn't wait to take a nap, unusual for me, and woke an hour and a half later, groggy and just as tired and lazy as before. Evie thoughtfully waited for me to wake before mowing the lawn, which took her a good part of the afternoon, taking several breaks.  I cleaned the garage and its attic, finally gathering some things that needed to be thrown away.  By 5:30, the lawn was mowed, the garage was spiffy, and we were on the front porch, enjoying our view on a quiet Friday afternoon, the last Mayday. Evie pulled out some buffalo chicken eggrolls she had made a couple of weeks ago and froze and with blue cheese dressing, we were happy. They will make a nice appetizer when our kids come in July. 

Dinner was Smith's hot dog because we had lots of leftover sauerkraut from Thursday nights' pork and sauerkraut. So it was dogs, kraut, and the last of the potato salad and baked beans. We attempted to watch a film, Secondhand Lions, and even paid for it but it crashed every time we started it on Prime. So we watched two more episodes of The Veil on Hulu, home improvement shows and news before we got sick of wall-to-wall Trump and went to bed.

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