Friday, June 7, 2024

Mottled Sky Of Gray



It's just after 8:00 and I have been up for an hour. The lake is gray but calm so far on a 57º morning. It will get up into the 60s later today but that's it, not 80º weather. It's 9:30 and I had a windy, choppy paddle for a half hour.

Kayak Morning

Yesterday was back to routine until dinner time. Because it was Thursday, I went out to breakfast but this time to the Ashville Country Store because Jack was in Pittsburgh. It was a busy place and I ordered hash and eggs. It took a while because the cook made the hash from scratch but it was worth the wait, a nice treat. I was home by 9:10, finished up the blog, and was on my way to yoga by 9:40. Class was packed, perhaps because it was a wet morning, probably 20 ladies and moi. I was home by 11:30 and since it had rained, Evie still was unable to plant her dahlias. Maybe today. 

Evie was off at kindergarten so I made myself a fish sandwich, with the leftover tilapia and tartar sauce so I was happy, watching the second season of False Flag. I then returned to my book HORSE and briefly napped before Evie returned. It then rained some then cleared up so I went for a paddle for a half hour, as the sun came out and the sky turned blue.

Kayak Afternoon

Mom, Pop, And The Kids

By 5:30 when we drove off to the Celeron Ribfest. We went to it a few years ago and thought it might be fun to go and people-watch. It was busy, with three huge rib trucks filling the main area, all three from out of state. The trucks are literally ovens, baking the ribs before being grilled on charcoal, ready to be served. Besides the trucks, the area was strewn with tents selling all kinds of junk. I wonder who buys this stuff.


Barbecue Truck

Try My Special Sauce

Grillin And Chillin

We meandered around for forty-five minutes, tried one guy's special sauce and he gave us some to take home. The Moose Club is right next to the fest so when we left, we decided to see what it looked like. We knocked on the door, were let in, and a Moose officer at the bar sponsored us so we could also get a beer. He also gave us an application in case we wanted to join. It's a fairly small bar and dining room with outside dining. We talked a bit with the bartender but decided to forego their wings.

We didn't feel like going to the Rod and Gun so I suggested whoppers at Burger King, knowing it would make Evie happy. So we drove there, sat inside with other golden agers like us and were disappointed with our whoppers. They seemed to lack something. We were home by 8:30, watched some TV and once Evie went to bed, I watched the first three-quarters of the Celtics/Mavericks game, won easily by Boston. 

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