Friday, June 21, 2024

Morning Haze And Heat





It's 6:47 and I have been up for over an hour, alas, before the sun rose at 5:59. A few boats were out that early and I started sitting out on the porch until the sun became too bright and I went inside. The sun's risen at its farthest journey north, from our right to the left. And now, it will head back south from our left to the right.  The sunlight is shimmering on the lake's surface with hardly a breeze on a 68º morning. 

Kayak Morning

Northern Haze


Thursday was another warm one, what else and it's the topic everywhere I go. I skipped kayaking yesterday because I woke late and had breakfast in Bemus Point. By 9:30, we were both organized and ready for our day, with yoga for me and a final end-of-the-year kindergarten class for Evie. Yoga was crowded and air-conditioned and as usual, I was the only guy. After class, I quickly ran through Wegman's before returning to a quiet, empty house. I was tempted to make fried rice for lunch but was too lazy and opted for a couple of pieces of leftover pizza even though we were also having it for dinner. 

Evie's Kindergarteners

She Will Miss Them, Too

I watched another episode of the Shaq documentary and looked forward to relaxing for the rest of the afternoon, doing my best to avoid the heat. A fan in the living room helped and I read and napped until Evie returned around 2:30, tired but happy from her final day. Around 4:00, I worked on our privets, cutting out a swath of dead wood. We love our privet and bemoan the section that died. Once again, it cooled down enough around 5:30 so we could sit out on the front porch and enjoy our wine. We watched an osprey circle the lake, and then dive for a fish. And we counted the pontoon boats that seemed to easily outnumber the traditional motor boat. They remind me of floating trailer homes. 

One Of Many

Dinner was a meatball apiece from Pace's, leftover pizza, and a salad. We are still struggling with a series, so we watched Colbert and Jeopardy until we remembered we started the 10th year of the Dutch series, Seaside Hotel a few days ago, and never continued. So we watched the third episode and are enjoying it. 

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