Thursday, June 6, 2024

Morning Rain




 It's 7:15 and I have been up for over an hour, watching rain, then ebb, then begin again. The rain started late last night and we received two inches over night as well as some this morning. It's 65º and should clear up this afternoon. I have breakfast at 8:00 so I won't be kayaking unless I skip yoga. Evie's up because she has school this morning. It's 9:20 and I just returned from breakfast at the Ashville General Store, a nice change. I ordered corned beef hash and eggs and the hash was made from scratch. Yum.

Yesterday was a day open for almost anything since I decided to skip yoga. I had a good paddle and then breakfast and Evie had plans to plant her dahlias in the morning, one of the reasons I skipped yoga. Unfortunately, the weather did not cooperate although I was able to spread the compost over the planting area before it began to rain. And it continued on and off much of the morning and afternoon, forcing Evie to skip the planting. So instead of working outside, we gave the house a cleaning, as well as the porches, because we were having neighbors over for dinner, always a reason to spruce up the house.

Lunch was a roast beef sandwich with tomatoes and horseradish and I then tried to nap but couldn't so I read until 2:30 when I drove of to Lakewood for another visit to my massage/chiropractor. She worked on me for about forty five mnutues, including some kind of electric heating pad. I can't say I left feeling great but I didn't feel bad either, just normal. I will give it a couple more weeks to see if it helps my arthritis in the lower back. 

Jim and Barb arrived at 6:00, bringing a bottle of wine. It was pleasant enough to enjoy appetizers on the front porch along with the wine. It was a fun evening but also sad as we mourned the passing of our neighbor, Ken. Dinner was great, breaded tilapia, a pasta with corn and spinach and salad. We ended the evening with Blue Bunny ice cream cones. They left around 9:15 and Evie, tired from her busy day, went up to bed and I stayed and cleaned up most of the kitchen before joining her. It was an interesting day.

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