Thursday, June 13, 2024

A Bit Of Morning Sun



It's 7:15 and I woke to an overcast morning but now, the sun has lit up the lake and I can see some blue sky on a 60º morning, quite a contrast to the past few day's cool 48º. It's later than usual as I finish this, having gone to breakfast in Bemus at 8:00, then kayaked for 25 minutes on my return. 

Kayak Morning

Northern Sky


Yesterday was a busy day for me, for Evie a day to relax. I got in a good paddle, shooting a couple of photos of ospreys. By 9:40, however, I was off to yoga class with a new teacher, a substitute for Grace. We spent most of the class on the mat, working on our hips and back which was fine. I did not tarry but came straight home, to see how Evie was doing. Her infection still looks the same but we are hoping the antibiotic is beginning to take hold. 

Lunch was the other half of a sub sandwich and my show, False Flagg which never seems to end, just one more episode, I think. I was off to my chiropractor at 2:00 for a 2:30 appointment in Celeron. She spent the half hour adjusting me and giving me an electric pulsating pad for ten minutes or so. At least, that's what I call it. I felt the same, like my other appointments, with no big change. I guess it takes time to make a difference. I stopped at Home Depot and picked up something called garden fencing, to keep Evie's flowers safe, then at Wegmans' for a few goodies for Evie. 

Sitting On The Porch By The Lake

Around 5:00, we were able to sit out on our front porch and enjoy both the view and a glass of wine, not worrying about dinner. We had hoped to have ribs but realized they were not ready to heat them, so we ended up having loaded baked potatoes, topped with eggs, sour cream, and goodies like that. We had nutty buddies for dessert and watched a couple of Jeopardy episodes after Netflix interrupted the feature two or three times, sending us back to the start. This happens quite often, just on Netflix, and we wonder if anyone else is having this problem with Netflix. We are ready to cancel our subscription. When Evie went up to bed, I watched the third quarter of the NBA game, eventually won by the Celtics who are up 3-0, clearly the better team. 

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