Monday, June 24, 2024




A Heron In The Morning

How amazing to wake up to a windy but sunny 57º morning! The flag is blowing, the lake is choppy and I am sitting comfortably in my living room, no heat, no humidity, no, fan, a good morning. It's 8:58 and I paddled for only 18 minutes because of the wind and waves, making it difficult to paddle home. I am glad I paddled south a short distance so I could make it home easily into the northern wind and chop. 

Kayak Morning

Into The Waves

Sunday seemed to be day of waiting, waiting to go out to dinner. It was another hot one, with intermittent showers and sun. I got in a forty-minute paddle, shot a photo of an osprey so I was happy. After I returned, I had a relaxing breakfast and wrote the blog because neither of us was in a hurry. Looking back at our morning and afternoon, I can't remember much, probably because neither of us did much other than sit around, read or watch TV until 11:00, when our neighbor's grandchildren, Arlo and Louie, texted to see if they could come over and play with Evie and the fun began. I, of course, retreated to the bedroom, to relax and read while the boys raced upstairs to get toys from the attic, to Evie's delight I might add. They love coming over, going through the treasure chest, pulling games from the bookshelves,  and jumping on the rebounder in our bedroom, even jumping from the rebounder to our bed. Just a couple of energetic boys. 

Da Boys

They left, reluctantly, around 1:00, just in time for Evie to make me her special scrambled eggs and toast for lunch. I enjoyed my lunch, watched some TV, then read and napped, waiting for the Caitlin Clark game to go on at 4:00. First, I showered and got gussied up, then watched the first half and third quarter before driving to pick up Linda and Ron. We were going to the Bark Grill in Westfield, braved a three-minute downpour before arriving at the restaurant. It was not busy so we easily found a table. It's one of the few restaurants open on Sundays and is a real family-run restaurant, as the family and their kids and grandkids were all sitting at a table, enjoying the afternoon. We had calamari as an appetizer and I had fried walleye and Evie a chicken dish and both were good. The gals shared a bottle of wine, the guys a couple of beers and it was a fun evening, as we celebrated Linda's birthday a week late. We were home by 8:15, in time to watch an episode of Seaside Hotel before bed. 

Dining Out

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