Saturday, June 8, 2024

Blue Skies, Lots of Sun And Cool

In Memoriam: Ken And Marjorie...We will miss you



It's just 7:00 and I have been up for an hour on this 52º morning, reminding me of autumn. I am surprised to have not seen any fishing boats out yet but maybe it's too early.  It's after 9:00 and I was out fighting the north wind until I gave up and literally floated home. I was out for 70 minutes and at least 10 of it was catching up with Tina and Jim, my weekend kayak friends. 

Kayak Morning


Yesterday, a Friday, was once again spoiled by drizzle on and off during the day. It never lasted long but was just enough to send us inside and not allow Evie to plant her dahlias. It looks like, however, today is the day, no rain forecast. I started the day with a windy and choppy paddle which I eventually cut short because of the wind. I did not feel like going to yoga and stayed home to help Evie with the garden. I was out early, before the drizzle, and cleaned the gutters, a fairly easy chore. Evie is getting discouraged because something keeps eating her perennials and she is not sure what to do about it. Maybe I should buy a shotgun! We did manage, however, to mark with poles where she wanted to plant the dahlias before it rained. 

So we spent much of the rest of the day inside. I had another chicken pot pie for lunch, saving the chicken salad for our dinner. I was happy, then, to spend the afternoon reading my novel, Horse, napping and occasionally going for a walk in the neighborhood in between drizzle. We both noticed a strange smell and only figured it out when I walked down our street where a neighbor was having his driveway redone with asphalt, thus the smell. 

We decided to have our once-a-week Manhattan night since we ended up having a disappointing day. Evie put together a couple of appetizers and I made the drinks, and we were happy, enjoying the late afternoon sun and finally, blue skies. We thought back to the good old days in the 80's when every Friday we would go to Bud's Carriage house in Greenhurst, sit at the bar with our favorite bartender, Ed Ward, and gab with the owner Mike, and his girlfriend, Susan. We miss those days. Dinner was easy, chicken salad sandwiches and the leftover pasta, corn, and spinach salad from Wednesday night. We watched the breaking news, Biden's speech in Normandy, and the usual shows.

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