Monday, June 3, 2024

Haze And Light Fog



It's 7:30 and the lake is nice and calm but all is gray, from what I assume is a light fog. It's 56º and the sun will burn off the fog so we should have a sunny afternoon. I was out paddling for 35 minutes and again, no waterfowl photos. Facebook has a photo of a bear swimming across to Tom's Point so Evie did warn me to avoid bears. 

Kayak Morning

Northern Sky

Sunday was mostly a day of leisure for us. Neither of us was up early so we got a late start. I did get in a forty-five minute paddle but didn't return until 9:30 which is later than usual. After breakfast and the blog, we both went out and got some things done in the yard so that it looks spiffy even though it's still mostly green. I love it this time of the year, so fresh and healthy looking. I also turned on the sump pump which I have hanging in the lake so Evie could water the garden and fill the six watering cans and of course, most of the rest of the day was overcast with a light drizzle or rain. 

We had enough by noon and Evie made me her special fluffy scrambled eggs and toast so I was happy and I watched my show, False Flag on Hulu. Evie then was busy inside with a few things before relaxing, like me, on the front porch or couch. For some reason, our morning mojo got up and went and we literally accomplished nothing the rest of the afternoon. I guess Sunday is supposed to be a day of rest.

We looked forward then to a nice happy hour, enjoying the utter quietness of our neighborhood and lake. It was one of those afternoons where the lake and sky are overcast, hardly any boaters, and it seemed as though we had the lake to ourselves. Evie made some popcorn to enjoy and dinner was easy. She pulled some chili out of the freezer, heated it up, and boiled some noodles and we had Cincinnati chili, with cheese, sour cream, and onions. Yum. We watched nothing of interest, the home improvement shows, 60 Minutes, some of Cailin Clark's game, and the news.  

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