Thursday, June 20, 2024

Extreme Heat



Actually, at the moment, with the windows open, it's not too bad, 71º so we are both sitting here comfortably, with our coffee, thinking about our day ahead, school for Evie and yoga for me. It's 9:15 and I just returned from breakfast and no kayaking this morning, too hot and not enough time. And the cool early morning has disappeared on this first day of summer and the heat and humidity have returned. 

Yesterday was miserable, the heat so extreme that we were uncomfortable both in or out. I did get in a forty-five minute paddle before it got too warm and decided to skip yoga and perhaps go for a walk, a mistake because of the heat. And for some reason, we decided to give the back porch a good cleaning, perhaps for the first time in a while. Earlier, we had borrowed Ron's pressure washer so we cleared off the porch, and we pressure washed it, floor, walls, and ceiling, a good start. 

Long Point

Morning Hike

Lots Of Green

Once the hard part was done, I drove over to Long Point and walked the park for a half hour, fighting off the gnats surrounding my head. It was not a pleasant walk. When I returned, Evie was washing the ceiling on a ladder, so I quickly took over because I did not want her falling. Once that was done, we had enough for a while and both of us went inside to a warm, breezeless house, trying to cool off. I ate the rest of my hoagie sandwich for lunch and watched more of the Shaq documentary on Max. I then finished up my book Frozen River, which I highly recommend, and briefly napped, thanks to an air conditioner.  At 2:30, I dropped some packages off at UPS, then stopped at Ollies to return the hose I bought yesterday. And 3:30, I was on the massage table, getting worked over by my chiropractor. I had decided that this would be my last appointment because I was not noticing much difference in how I felt. She understood although she blamed the lack of progress on me for keeping busy and doing things that might aggravate my back. Oh well.  I then stopped at Paces Pizza in Jamestown and picked up our dinner like a good boy, a large pepperoni along with a meatball and sauce appetizer. And I couldn't drive past Farm Fresh Foods without picking up a couple of their donuts. Of course, when I returned home, Evie had to have a donut and watch some TV, taking time out from the porch and heat. 

We put the porch back together around 5:00 although it had not cooled off a bit. It does not look much different to me but hey I am a guy. We forced ourselves to sit on the front porch despite the heat and lack of breeze, just to be outside. Dinner was easy, pizza and a salad and a beer and we watched the usual for the first hour, then the rest of the night we watched Caitlin Clark's game, mostly because there was nothing else to watch. It's the first time I have ever watched an entire WNBA game and I am sure, there are thousands out there like me. 

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