Sunday, June 23, 2024

Overcast, Warm, And Showers

Evie's Garden



It's later than usual as I start this, 9:15, and I was out paddling for just a half hour and spotted an osprey. We expect most of the late morning and afternoon to rain, which we hope will cool off. 

Kayak Morning


Yesterday was another hot, miserable day so we did not get anything done outside, nor much inside. And fortunately, we were having appetizers and drinks at our neighbors so Evie did not have to worry about dinner. So after my kayaking for forty-five minutes, we finished the blog and then our plumber arrived to get a few things done. He put in a new galvanized pipe from our boiler to the roof. Then, he hung a fan in our TV room and went upstairs and put another outlet in the bathroom for Evie. He said he would be back to clean the dryer vent on Monday or Tuesday.  Well, around 1:00, we got a call saying a job fell through and he wondered if he could return and finish the job. So at 1:30, he was in our crawl space to clean the dryer vent which traveled from one side of our house to another. What a guy. While he was doing most of his work in the morning, I drove to the Transfer Station and dropped off the trash before a quick trip to a very busy Wegman's and Evans Wines. When I got home, I made a couple of cheese sandwiches with Evie's help and watched my show. And that was it for me and Evie for the rest of the afternoon. It was too hot and humid to go anywhere or do anything so we hung out with a fan or air conditioner on, trying to keep cool.

By 5:00, had both showed and walked over to our neighbors, Jim and Barb's house and sat out on their front porch, enjoying heavy appetizers, and strawberry margaritas, perfect for a warm afternoon. We sat around feasting and enjoying our drinks until almost 8:00 and it was a lovely way to spend the later afternoon, early evening, and they are great hosts. We were home by 8:00 and watched another episode of Seaside Hotel and some news before going up to bed early. It ended up being a good day despite the heat.

A Happy Grandpa And Content Grandson

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