Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Sunny, Hazy, And Warm



It looks like today will be another warm one, with a high in the 80s. This morning reminds me of summer, especially the haze off to the east. It's 8:30 and I had a short paddle, about 25 minutes, on a beautiful morning on the lake. Not much to see, just a common merganser near our dock. 

Kayak Morning


Common Merganser

Yesterday was the usual Monday, with no yoga, a day in full with nothing I had to do. So after my usual morning of a paddle, blog, and breakfast, I set up the hose from the lake so Evie could water and drove off to have coffee at Ryders Cup with my friend Paul. We sat out on the front porch and it was a lovely morning, lots of sun but not too hot. Around 11:00, I stopped at Ollies Bargain Store for some reason, just to see what a junky place it was. How anyone finds something is beyond me. And since I was there, I decided to walk through the almost empty Chautauqua Mall, a sad sight with only four or five stores. So not only is downtown Jamestown dead but so is the Mall, leaving us with a Walmart and Target for shopping, typical for small towns all over the United States. 

When I returned home, Evie was in the yard, weeding, planting, and watering, a daily chore. I had lunch but I am trying to remember what but I am sure it was tasty. I am still into False Flag and was close to finishing my apocalyptic thrill, Toxic Prey. After my brief nap, both of us were tired (how unusual) and did not do much the rest of the afternoon. I did read out on the dock and fuss with my ladder but put off fixing it until later today when the temperature gets up in the 80s. 

Happy Hour Sky

We looked forward to our happy hour, watching all the action on the lake, mostly pontoon boats filled with Amish families fishing. Dinner was leftover rotisserie chicken with broccoli and a curry sauce over fried potatoes. We started two films, neither of which we stuck with, and ended up watching three episodes of Cheers and some news before bed. It was not our favorite day. 

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