Thursday, October 19, 2023

An Arizona Like Morning Sky







It was nice to wake up to something other than gray. The sky has been spectacular since I rose at 6:35, with blue sky, vast banks of clouds, and a sunrise albeit blanked by a few hovering shoreline clouds.It's 7:42 and voila, the sun just popped up above the Bemus shore. I am back from paddling down to the Powerboat Club and back, for 55 minutes. I spotted an eagle above Sandy Bottom and before paddling, had to put on suntan lotion and grab sunglasses because I paddled into the sun to get to the Powerboat Club.

Kayak Morning

Northern Sky


A Bald Eagle

The days seem to meld into each other as little changes for most days of the week with a few tweaks. I paddled yesterday for forty-five minutes, photographed my first coots of fall, then had breakfast and finished the blog before driving off to Yoga at 10:00 with Tara. She had been reading about myths recently, how the ancients thought that if you stood, your life energy would drain if you stood. So in class, we worked on inversions, the hardest which I managed, a handstand against the wall. Smartly, she avoided headstands which might harm our necks.  After class, I hit the bank for some cash for Evie, then did a quick run through Wegmans before driving home.

Lunch was the leftover chicken/bean casserole and the cauliflower/squash soup although Evie had made a pot of her veggie soup yesterday.  I am struggling to find a series to watch so I started The Wire once again, one of my all-time favorite series. Once I finished lunch, I hit the couch to read and nap for a bit while Evie decided to work on the rebounder. We were going to go for a walk around 4:00 but Evie decided to pass because she worked out for over an hour. I wanted to get in a walk so I drove to Tom's Point parking lot and walked out to the point and back, running into a man and his dog going out, a camouflagee bow hunter on the way back. It was perfect weather for a walk, with the sun attempting to break through the clouds.`

Scrub On Path To Tom; Point

Fields And Clouds

Entrance To Tom's Point

Bemus Point Homes

Western Sky From Tom's Point

I was home around 5:30, in time for wine time and listening to CNN on the radio, as they continued to interview families who have had their children kidnapped by Hamas. Why, for ratings? It's obscene. Wednesday morning, Evie had put together our dinner of pork ribs and sauerkraut so all she had to do was pop it in the oven and with mashed potatoes, we had one of our favorite dinners. We watched half of a comedy called Long Shot but had enough when the future President began sleeping with a guy she used to babysit, talk about stupid. We watched another ER and Bargain Block, happy to be watching something we enjoy. 

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