Sunday, June 21, 2020

The Longest Day

It's 8:35 and the sun has begun its journey south, after yesterday's summer solstice, the longest day of the year.  We are looking forward to late November when the sun sets by 5:00!  I paddled for an hour the usual route and saw no waterfowl, alas, just lots of fishing boats.  While I kayaked, I listened to an album by The National, a group that has become our favorite over the past year or two.  The album we like is also called The National. 

Kayak Morning
We made through yesterday and both felt the heat and humidity most of the day.  The morning was typical, gathering the trash and driving to the Transfer Station around 11:30.  Evie was busy early, roasting eggplant and getting our Sunday dinner with neighbors ready to bake.  It took her a good part of the morning to put the baked ziti together with meat sauce and noodles but now all it needs is a white sauce before baking.  I was busy getting all the summer furniture out, the tables, too many chairs, and making sure they were clean and ready for the summer days.

A Double Scoop Bubble Gum Coneflower Beginning To Bloom
For lunch, Evie whipped me up tuna sandwiches and put them under the broiler so I was happy watching my show with a fan to keep me cool.  Earlier, Evie had changed the sheets and washed them because I was getting spider bites.  So I could not resist reading and napping on them, with the air conditioner on.  I was one happy boy.  While I was napping, Evie tried the dock but it was either too hot or too windy so she came in and sat in a chaise lounge under our maple in the shade.  I joined her and we sat there until 5:00.  We then came in and Evie put together our dinner with a variety of leftovers: chicken, ziti pasta,  mushrooms, garlic, butter, and Marsala wine sauce. Once it was ready, we went back outside to our chairs and enjoyed a beer as the late afternoon began to cool. 

We ate dinner, which was delish, with a salad and watched Bill Maher's Real-time before turning to the Trump Show, nothing new, just the typical buffoon and liar.  We watched for about 20 minutes enjoying a mango bar for relief.  We ended the night with a sad Lenox Hill, as one of the doctors comes down with a very serious brain tumor.  He's amazingly brave, honest, and coherent about his chance of survival even though he knows he is being filmed.

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