Friday, June 5, 2020


Morning Water Skiing
It's just 8:00 on a gray, gray morning.  I paddled my usual hour path, over to Long Point, back to Sandy Bottom and home.  I witnessed an osprey dive three times into the lake, hoping to catch a fish but no luck.  And for the first time this season, our neighbors, Jeff and Nancy, were out skiing just as I paddled out around 6:45.  They are usually out every morning if the lake is calm.

Kayak Morning
Every day seems the same, perhaps is.  I kayaked, wrote the blog, and had breakfast before we made our big decision of the day, what to have for dinner...Eggplant pasta. Evie got busy with the eggplant, slicing and roasting it so it would be ready later in the day.   Around 10:00, I drove to Lakewood, got a cup of coffee, no lingering, ordered a book from the bookstore, then stopped at Walmart briefly to pick up a can of paint and another bag of dahlias.  It wasn't too busy that early which was nice.

Evie was excited to get more dahlias to plant, filling in where a couple did not take.  I was ready for lunch when I returned and I still had two-thirds of a Wegman's hoagie left as well as a bowl of ham and bean soup.  Yum.  Watched my show, read and napped as usual, then helped Evie some in the yard, mostly watering, then we both sat on the front porch reading until we decided that despite the gray, we would go for a boat ride.  I had taken the cover off early in the morning when the sun was out and predictably, it rained just enough to get it wet.  We cruised over to Bemus, picked up some weeds on the prop and had to stop and clear it off.  We are not sure why there's so many dead weeds floating, the result of herbicides, or just weeds from last year.  We were out an hour, cloudy to the south, some open skies to the north.

We were both hungry when we returned home, so Evie went to pick up the mail before starting dinner but ran into our neighbor, Pat, who just arrived from Houston, so they talked for a good half hour, catching up on the news.  I decided to check out the grill, in good shape and began the onerous task of weeding our brick path while Evie started dinner.

We had eggplant, tomato, and garlic pasta with a salad, which is fast becoming one of our favorite eggplant meals, filling and tasty and healthy.  We watched the usual, a Colbert interview with Charlemagne the God, which was pretty interesting.  Then, it was on to Better Call Saul, Season Five, which we both are bored with so far.  Watching Jimmy fleece the underdog is not much fun.

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