Sunday, June 28, 2020

A Large Mouth Bass Morning

It's warming up now at 8:50 and I have returned from a 70-minute paddle down to Snug Harbor and back.  I have been bringing my fishing rod along just for the heck of it.  I kid that I am into Zen fishing, a goalless, repetitive throw of my lure.  Well this time, to my surprise,  I tossed my line in among the weeds and pulled in a 10-inch bass, a small miracle.  I carefully took him off the hook and set him free, to enjoy another day in the weeds.  It made up for my not seeing anything worth photographing this morning,

Kayak Morning Sun
Kayaking Into The Clouds
Saturday began with clouds, drizzle but by noon, it had cleared up nicely so that it was a pleasant late June day.  We are trying to get one major thing done each day and started on hanging curtains in the front guest bedroom but decided we needed smaller screws for the rods.  So we decided to tackle the attic, always a mess because when we don't know what to do with something, we put it in the attic.  We worked for about a half-hour, made progress, even found things we decided to throw out.  At least now we know where something is if we want it.

Crane's Bill Or Hearty Geranium
Next on the morning agenda was to gather the trash, clean out the refrigerator and I was off to the Transfer Station.  It was busy as most weekenders seem to be up and I got hemmed in by a couple of oblivious cars so that I had to back out.  That was it for the morning and the afternoon.  We had gotten something done and felt righteous about it.  We were not sure about lunch until Evie remembered we had sourdough bread so she made me toasted cheese for lunch, yum, with Wegman's jam spread liberally on top.  I watched my show, read some, napped some then joined Evie on the dock for awhile.  She has been swimming lately, now that it has warmed up and I am sure we will both be cutting weeds for the next few weeks.

Around 5:00, I walked over to a brief Woodlawn neighborhood meeting.  Usually, everyone brings an appetizer and their own drinks.  This year, however, because of the virus, we had no appetizers, some brought drinks, a few wore masks. We had a brief meeting, then stood around talking for a bit before everyone went home, a sad result of the times.

By 6:30, we were on the porch enjoying a Manhattan and appetizers as, after all, it was Saturday night.  It was a beautiful evening on the lake and we both thought you should be out there either paddling our kayaks or going for a boat ride instead of sitting on the porch.  We had the leftover chicken with potatoes and coleslaw, just right and watched Real Time With Bill Maher, then a couple of episodes of Cheers before bed.

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