Sunday, August 21, 2022

Love's Been Good To Me

57 Years



It's 9:30 and we are both up enjoying our coffee. This morning we are celebrating our 57th anniversary. It's hard to believe we have been married that long but look forward to many more! So, I got in an hour paddle, my usual, and was lucky to spot an osprey, eagle, a cormorant, and a heron on our neighbor's dock when I got up at 6:45. 

Kayak Morning

One Of A Raft Of Cormorants



Yesterday was a typical Saturday for us as it doesn't change much. I kayaked, wrote the blog, then began the routine of gathering trash. Before I left, Evie wanted to shuck and strip a half dozen ears of corn and cut up a watermelon. Once that was done, I gathered the trash and was off to the Transfer Station, my one 'must do' of the week. When I returned home, Evie was washing clothes that I might have worn when getting poison ivy as well as the sheets on the bed. The rash is annoying but not painful although I have it on my inner arms and legs. 

Lunch was an ear of corn and leftover shells from our dinner on Wednesday and I bagged Justify and started Game of Thrones. It's hard to keep things straight after the first episodes but I assume it will become clearer as we go along. After lunch, I read for quite a while, finishing my book, The Suspect by Michael Robotham, and putting his second novel in the series, Lost, on hold. I also napped with a nice breeze coming in the front windows, keeping it cool on a surprisingly warm afternoon. 

We couldn't make up our mind about what to do Saturday evening but finally decided on driving 22 miles to Ribs N Bones, a restaurant, just this side of Warren, PA. The last time we were there was over two years ago and we remember it because it was the last restaurant we went to before Covid hit and we really did not go out again for a year or so. We were lucky to find a seat at the bar and ordered their beer special, Busch on tap! They specialize in ribs so we both got a rack along with a side and salad. Everything was fine except that we didn't get to strike up a conversation with anyone else. Usually, if it's only locals, it's harder to start up a conversation. 


We enjoyed our drive both out and back as the road winded along the beautiful countryside mostly farms, forests, and mountains as we get near Warren. When we got home, we sat on the front porch, enjoying the early evening sky then watched a couple episodes of Apple+ new series, Bad Sisters and they are bad. 

Fishing Early Morning

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