Thursday, July 14, 2022

A Lazy Day





It's 6:37 and I have been up since 6:15 with Beth and Drew has just walked down so there are three of us to enjoy our coffee and reading on our devices. The sun is shining brightly on 59ยบ morning, a sad morning actually as Jill's family has to leave today. It's just 8:00, the living room is full with adults and I just returned from forty-five minutes of kayaking on the lake, a calm, blue bathtub. 

Kayak Morning

Paddling North

Great Blue

Yesterday is a blur for some reason. I know what I did, that I was up early, paddled down to Snug Harbor and back but that's about it. We had a gang sitting around the living room for a good part of the morning before getting moving. Some went off to walk or run Webb's Trail, then pick up the first corn of the year at the Lighthouse and ordered peameal bacon. The rest of us either worked online, relaxed in the yard, house or dock, enjoying doing nothing. 

Around 11:30, Evie, Drew and I took the girls for a boat ride but made the mistake of heading north where it was too windy and choppy, so we then reversed course to Bemus Bay which was sheltered from the wind for the most part. 

For once, we did not need to shop at Wegman's and lunch was a potpourri of leftovers, sandwiches, etc. Early afternoon was dock time, swimming for a few, mostly sunbathing and sleeping in the yard, by 3:30, all the adults but Evie and Beth drove to the Southern Tier Brewery and sat outside enjoying one of their craft beers. 

Southern Tier Brewery

Drew, The Human Buoy

More Girls

Here's To Nick And Dray

Nick And Mom

While we were gone, Evie and the girls played bean bag and Evie parboiled up chicken thighs for our dinner. When we returned home, it was time to start dinner, so the Five Guys grilled the chicken thighs while Evie and the girls made a salad, cooked noodles in chicken broth, and shucked the corn.

Five Guys Grillin

Picnic Dinner

Dinner was a feast, another one of our traditional Chautauqua dinners, basically barbecued chicken, noodles and corn. By 7:00, everything was eaten, and all we full but not for long. At 8:00, basically, the kids drove to Hogan's Ice Cream Shack for dessert while the adults, still full, lay around doing nothing. We had little mojo for the most part, so we did not play games or watch TV but went up to bed by 10:00, tired from our day of leisure.

Giant Cone

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